Two groups of firefighters in Renault returned home on Saturday afternoon after helping with efforts to control the fire in Los Angeles. Their main mission was to help keep the Eaton and Palisades fires within their original restriction areas.
In addition to restricting the fire, Reno crews also supported local utility companies with infrastructure needs. A significant concern for firefighters was the risk of mud caused by heavy rain in southern California after the fires.
The Roman platforms were located outside the Rose Bowl, along with other volunteer crews, as the department has three platforms in Los Angeles. Martin Mayes, captain of the Renault Fire Service, said: “Just be a visual presence for Altadan citizens because some of these people are still in shock and just there in the community, answer questions and help these people, this is what we do on a daily basis. “
After returning to the station 21 on Mill Street, firefighters immediately began to clean and prepare their trucks to return to the community service.