Tips to help you acclimatize after moving to a new city
Switching to a new city can be a huge task. These technological tips can help you before and after moving.
Rentcafe, Website for Exploring Apartment and Data, ranked the most sought after rental markets to monitor in 2025. The ranking is based on data from renting rent at Rentcafe.com in the 150 largest cities of the population in the neighboring states and how many people are looking for these markets.
Here is a look at what the rental markets Rentcafe monitors in 2025
What are the most sought after rental markets in the whole country?
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Overland Park, Kansas
- Cleveland, Ohio
- Washington, County Colombia
- Santa Rosa, California
- Detroit, Michigan
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Chicago, Illinois
- Cincoannati, Ohio
What are the most sought after rental markets in the West?
- Santa Rosa, California (No. 6 national)
- Renault, Nevada (No. 12 national)
- Sacramento, California (No. 16 national)
- Tacoma, Washington (No. 18 national)
- Portland, Oregon (No. 19 national)
- Spokan, Washington (No. 21 National)
- North Las Vegas, Nevada (No. 22 National)
- Los Angeles, California (No. 23 National)
- San Jose, California (No. 25 national)
- Colorado Springs, Colorado (No. 28 National)
What are the most sought after rental markets in Nevada?
- Renault (No. 12 nationally)
- North Las Vegas (No. 22 National)
- Henderson (No. 91 National)
- Las Vegas (No. 100 national)
Why are Nevada cities popular search for Rentcafe?
The cities in Nevada are known for world-class fun in a smaller urban environment, enough outdoor recreation and job opportunities. But there may be a more complicated reason for Reno and Las Vegas to be popular searches in Rentcafe.
Nevada rents are still hundreds of dollars more than they were before pandemic. The leakage of housing assistance from the Covid era in 2022 and a supply that has not fulfilled demand can lead to the search for live situations that can afford.
For the context, the average rent is $ 1677 in Renault and $ 1.478 in Las Vegas, according to Rentcafe. The average price for renting an apartment in Renault is 27% of the average household income in Nevada (about $ 6.297, according to the US Census Bureau) and Las Vegas is 23%.
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development sets homes at affordable prices such as 30%, or less than one -third, from the gross home income. This means that Nevada’s average housing costs correspond to HUD’s definition of affordable, though only slightly.
However, Nevada rents become inaccessible when a single income supports the household. The average monthly income of a Nevadan is $ 3,307, according to the US Census Bureau. The average single -income household will spend 51% on Renault and 45% in Las Vegas.
How did Rentcafe calculate the ranking?
Rentcafe ranked each city according to four indicators and their average values in 2024 and compared them to 2023. The four indicators are a percentage of availability, pages views, favorite and preserved searches.
The availability coefficient is calculated at the average of the monthly availability percentages by dividing the total free units for the last month of the total units in 2024. Rentcafe then compared with a few previous years to create a comparison of year to year. The most speed has received a maximum of 40 points.
The result for the reviews of the page was calculated by the total number of monthly reviews on the city’s pages for the most in the first month, divided into the total population of tenants in the city in 2024 and comparing it to the harsh values of previous years. The cities with the most views of the page received a maximum result of 30 points in this category.
The result of the favorites was calculated through a common monthly rental lists added to the list of visitors’ favorite for the most in the first month, divided into the total population of tenants in the city in 2024 and comparing this to the harsh values of previous years. The more visitors to the rental website are preferred within a city, the more points they have received. A maximum of 15 points were given in this category.
The result for the reserved searches was calculated from the total number of the monthly preserved searches of a particular city within the latest month, divided into the total population of tenants in the city in 2024 and comparing it to the harsh values of previous years. The more website visitors saved the demand for rent within a city, the more points get the subway. A maximum of 15 points were given in this category.