
Pump Police update: Suspect arrests the woman’s death in investigation –

Pump Police update: Suspect arrests the woman’s death in investigation –

This story has been updated with additional information.

Pamp police department seeks the public’s help in an investigation after finding a woman dead at a residence on Tuesday night. The suspect was removed on Thursday afternoon, police said.

Pampa police said the employees were summoned to a residence in the 1300 block on Garland Street at about 9:20 pm on Tuesday on Tuesday, in connection with a call for concern for well -being. While the police were in place, indications of a counterfeit game were found. After searching the residence, Pampa employees found a dead woman inside, later identified as 47-year-old brand White. Investigators at Pamp and Texas Rangers reacted and have begun an investigation.

As a result of the investigation, a murder order was issued for a murder for her boyfriend, 42-year-old Eric Alexander Keller of Pamp.

Around 2:10 pm on Thursday, law enforcement officers were signaled for the eventual monitoring of Keller in the area of ​​Hobart and Florida. Pump police officers and Sheriff of Gray County responded and subsequently were located and arrested Keller in the 900 Block of Grey Street. Police said that while trying to take Keller in custody, he attacked several officers, causing minor injuries. The officers were evaluated and put on the spot.

Keller was taken to the regional Medical Center Pampa by Gray County EMS for possible self -induction poisoning, according to police. Once being treated, he will be reserved at Gray County Prison.

Pampa police explained in the update on Thursday that the department made contact with Keller early on Tuesday, around 11:15. The employees “received a report from a person whom the caller did not admit to being in the area of ​​the incident address , “Pamp Police. After contacted staff in the alley behind Garland’s address, Keller told police he was looking for his dog who escaped from his residence. Employees checked through several thirds that Keller was living there and they cleared there and they cleared there The accident.

Anyone who has information about this incident is urged to contact the Pampa police station or provide anonymous information to the top of Texas Crime Stopers on 806-669-2222 or using the P3 Tips app from any mobile device.

Investigators also ask anyone in the area who may have a monitoring video or other electronic evidence that may be relevant to this case to provide this information through their online submission portal that can be reached through their Link posted on their Facebook page.

The case remains in the process of investigation.

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