
Protesters, police are preparing for more immigration protests – Los Angeles Daily News

Protesters, police are preparing for more immigration protests – Los Angeles Daily News

Southern California protests this week attracted thousands on the streets to lobby the rights of immigrants, leading to battles, arrests and injuries by police.

Now immigration and police rights activists are hoping for the best as they prepare for more rallies.

Representatives of immigration organizations and activists said they were hoping to see more military protests and more people involved. Meanwhile, police officers said violence in one demonstration did not affect how they would deal with the next.

Police presence and employee response are determined on a case -by -case basis, law enforcement officers said. Interviewees said they support the rights of protesters to the first change in freedom of expression and assembly, but that demonstrations should not become a violation of the law or expose themselves to themselves or other people.

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Some of the protests came on Monday, February 3rd, and were part of a day without immigrants. Efforts were intended to show the impact of the promised “mass deportations” of President Donald Trump and other policies that will limit citizenship opportunities and are expected to lead to an increase in immigration.

The protests appear throughout the region, seemingly every day to insist on the rights of immigrants. Many were peaceful, but after six consecutive rallies in Los Angeles, one man – probably a student – was stabbed and one person was arrested during a high school protest on Friday, February 7th.

In Orange County, the members of Alianza Translatinx, a group led by transgender and immigrants, went into protest by Santa Anna a week before. The Santa-based group wanted to express concerns, and as founder Hloe Rios-White said, “stand against the harmful policies of the Trump administration.”

But there are concerns.

“We are cautious about future protests, especially in the light of violence that happened to such protests in the LA and the Inner Empire,” said Rios-White. “As an organization led by immigrants, we understand the risks more personally and do not want to put anyone in a position where they can be arrested or detained.”

However, they plan to continue to join peaceful protests when it is safe to do so and will not stop providing the community with “know your rights” if they encounter immigration officers.

“Our community, in particular transmigrant individuals, was strongly influenced by these policies and we are observing increased fear and uncertainty among those we serve,” said Rios.

The group is referring to the risks associated with unrivaled members or those of temporary visas when they visit protests in the light of violence observed in the neighboring counties, Rios-Iyat said.

No arrests were made on Monday, which attracted about 150 people, said Santa Police spokesman Natalie Garcia.

“The only protocols we accept is to make sure that public safety is # 1, that our employees are safe,” Garcia said. “We encourage someone to protest if they want, but it does it calmly and without harming property or hurts persons or police officers.”

The event on Monday in downtown Los Angeles was what included violence.

About 3,000 protesters gathered there, said police assistant police, Daniel Randolph, before the Council of Police Commissioners in Los Angeles on Wednesday, February 5.

Many protesters entered the 101 Highway, the California Highway Patrol responded and, in the end, said Randolph, protesters began throwing objects from officers. This has led the officers to announce an “illegal meeting” and a warning for them to leave within 15 minutes.

Five officers suffered minor injuries and there was an arrest on suspicion of an attack with a deadly weapon after someone threw objects into the officers. Three rounds of 37 mm and five rounds of 40 mm rubber bullets were used on the crowd, Randolph said.

“The Los Angeles Police Department fully recognizes and respects people’s rights to protest peacefully and express their views,” Randolph said at the meeting.

However, he said that if there was “illegal behavior” such as “vandalism, violence and threats to public safety” reported by employees during the protest, the department will take action to “restore the order”.

As in Los Angeles, the Inner Empire saw violence and arrests during its protests. In Peris, six people were arrested by Riverside County Sheriff’s deputies. In San Bernardino, at least five officers were injured and five protesters arrested after officers tried to stop the marches from entering the 215 highway, police said.

Just as the police will continue to maintain order, the protesters say they will continue to accept their perspectives during protests.

Wearing a Mexican flag hanging from the contour of his belt and holding a sign saying “We will return to the street, stronger than ever, the battle continues”, Christina Aranda attends the protest on Monday in LA Hey

The resident of the Internal Empire is involved to honor the history of her family with immigration. Her grandparents and father came to the United States from Mexico in the 1970s, and it took her father about 20 years to become a citizen, she said.

“I am just proud of them that they have achieved and achieved their goal, that they came here,” says the 21 -year -old Arand. “I protest the rights of immigrants. For my grandparents, although they have their documents and are legal here, this is still so scary to them. They worry that it may not matter. “

She knows the march of the highway “upset” many.

“For me, I have the feeling that this is the meaning of the protest, the inconvenience,” Aranda said. “This is the biggest inconvenience that the community is facing, it was a way to hear our voices, instead of just being able to walk past us and ignore us.”

As Aranda said the presence of the police puts many colorful people alert, it will continue.

“If nothing else, this is something to continue me, just to show that even with the presence of the police, we are ready to take this position for immigrants.”

The City News Office has contributed to this report.

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