
Programs and Protocols help Virginia’s commercial poultry farmers against the background of the Bird Flu – WDBJ

Programs and Protocols help Virginia’s commercial poultry farmers against the background of the Bird Flu – WDBJ

(WDBJ) – There were recently several foci of bird flu in the community. A commercial flock in the ACCOMACK County, two cranes at the Zoo of the Richmond Metro and the Hunt Club Farm in Virginia Beach.

Wild waterfowl is thought to be guilty. The birds carry the virus. They can be infected by contact with diseased birds or contaminated food, water or surfaces. They spread the virus as they migrate.

“We are currently in a spike of activities across the country in the case of a high -road aviat, as migrating activity is still very difficult and this has been influenced by the time,” explained Hobby Bauhan, President of the Virginia Poultry Federation.

For commercial poultry farmers, a bird flu hearth can be a huge financial blow to surgery. The programs through the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States provide compensation for losses and cost producers.

“If your flock tests positively for a high influenza influenza, which will need to be depopulated,” Bauhan said.

While the impact can be softened, farmers are still hitting. There are several other costs that are not fully offset.

Although there are organic security measures that farmers are always encouraged to stick with, there is also a special Virginia poultry group. It was established in 2002 after a hearth affected 197 farms in the Shenando Valley.

“We have developed plans for prevention and quick response. We meet at least a quarter, no matter what to review the plans. We have desktop exercises and all the effort is aimed at communication, the availability of biosecurity standards, monitoring. We have protocols in which no poultry are moved from poultry without first being tested for bird flu, “Bauhan explained.

Farmers are encouraged to remain vigilant. The USD has a list of what to look for and how to prevent the disease.

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