
Police: Weapons and Drugs Found During Traffic Stop, 2 Rocford Teens – WIFR

Police: Weapons and Drugs Found During Traffic Stop, 2 Rocford Teens – WIFR

Rockford, Ill. (WIFR) – Two teenagers face multiple accusations after police have discovered weapons and drugs while stopping traffic.

Trenton Reed, 18, has been charged with illegal weapons, four agents of aggravated illegal possession of a weapon, obstruction, two issues of no valid foids and cannabis possession.

Trenton Reed, 18
Trenton Reed, 18(Prison in Winebago County)

The 16-year-old has been charged with illegal use of weapons, aggravated illegal possession of a weapon, obstructing, without a valid Fiaid and possession of cannabis.

Shortly before 10pm January 29, Rocford police stopped a N. Main Street and Jonathan Avenue vehicle. The 16-year-old is said to have escaped from the police, but was later remained. Police say he wore about 30 grams of cannabis and a loaded gun with an automatic switch, a lightweight and extended magazine.

Reed has been reported to have about 50 grams of cannabis and a loaded gun with a fully automatic switch and an extended magazine.

Police: Weapons and Drugs found while stopping traffic, 2 teenagers in Rockford arrested
Police: Weapons and Drugs Found During Movement Stop, 2 teenagers in Rockford arrested(Rockford Police Department)

The investigation is ongoing.

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