The owners of the Glendale holiday park have lodged the plans with Cumberland Council, which has deemed the proposal does not have sufficient impact on the Solway Coastal Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to justify submitting the assessment alongside any forthcoming application.
The plans include the construction of an entirely new central facilities building which will contain an indoor swimming pool, gymnasium and changing rooms, reception and shop, commercial flats, offices and toilets.
A new caravan sales area and exhibition area will be created alongside the new building, along with secure cycle parking, car parking and “extensive hard and soft landscaping”.
READ MORE: Holiday park expansion plans to improve ‘visitor experience’
The project will include replacing an existing recreation building and relocating and upgrading a treatment plant at the site.
A children’s playground will be removed to accommodate the new exhibition area.
The planning report refers to the complex’s proximity to Hadrian’s Wall.
It said: “The proposed exhibition is adjacent to the planned monument protecting Valluma on Hadrian’s Wall, which is part of the Roman Borders World Heritage Site, on which there is some potential for Roman remains extending beyond the border of the planned monument, which may be relevant.
“It is believed that any unknown buried archaeological assets can be satisfactorily addressed through appropriate surveys and investigations prior to and during excavation.”