Local groups from Baton Rouge such as Belle Grove, Ramble Preamble and Sunscape presented themselves in a Live showcase on Chelsea’s Live on Thursday, January 30th.
Belle Grove drummer Carter Pasquwa played on Thursday, January 30, 2024, live in Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Belle Grove drummer Carter Pasquwa played on Thursday, January 30, 2024, live in Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Bell Grove’s guitarist and singer Owen Martin plays and sings on Thursday, January 30, 2024, at Living in Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Belle Grove vocalist Mark Fuzeler sings on Thursday, January 30, 2024, at the Living in Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Belle Grove guitarist and vocalist Owen Martin plays and sings on Thursday, January 30, 2024, at Live at Chelsea’s Live In Baton Rouge, LA.
Belle Grove Nate Bourgeois bassist plays on Thursday, January 30, 2024, in Live in Chelsea at Baton Rouge, LA.
Belle Grove guitarist Seth Dufren plays on Thursday, January 30, 2024, at Chelsea Living in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Bell Grove guitarist and vocalist plays Owen Martin plays Thursday, January 30, 2024, at Chelsea Living in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Ramble Preamble drummer Doug Gay plays Thursday, January 30, 2024, live Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
The Ramble Preamble key, Peter Simon, plays on Thursday, January 30, 2024, in Live on Chelsea’s Live in Baton Rouge, LA.
Ramble Preamble Bassist Lee Barbier plays on Thursday, January 30, 2024, in Live in Chelsea at Baton Rouge, LA.
Ramble Pream guitarist and vocalist
Ramble Pream guitarist and vocalist
Isi’s drummer Jabarich Brown plays on Thursday, January 30, 2024, live Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Isie’s singer Isabel Mates sings on Thursday, January 30, 2024, at Chelsea Living in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Issi Joshua Selser’s bassist plays on Thursday, January 30, 2024, live Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Guitarist and vocalist Noah Laughter sings and plays Thursday, January 30, 2024, at Chelsea Living in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Issy DJ Barbier’s guitarist plays on Thursday, January 30, 2024, in Live on Chelsea’s Live in Baton Rouge, LA.
Isaibel Mattas vocalist sings on Thursday, January 30, 2024, at the Living in Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
The guitarist and vocalist Noah Laughter plays Thursday, January 30, 2024, at the Living in Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Sunscape drummer and vocalist Brant Broussard plays on Thursday, January 30, 2024, in Live in Chelsea at Baton Rouge, LA.
Sunny guitarist and vocalist Lucas Brousard plays Thursday, January 30, 2024, at Chelsea Living in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Sun bassist and vocalist Cameron Mauer plays and sings on Thursday, January 30, 2024, at the Live in Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Sunny guitarist and vocalist Lucas Brousard plays Thursday, January 30, 2024, at Chelsea Living in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
Sun bassist and vocalist Cameron Mauer plays and sings on Thursday, January 30, 2024, at the Live in Chelsea in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles.
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