Numerous agencies in the cities of Riverside and San Bernardino have participated in a state initiative to rescue victims of human trafficking and arrest their abductors during the week of January 27, resulting in the arrests of over 100 suspects, officials said.
Operation Reclaim & Rebuild focuses on commercial sexual work, according to a statement issued by the Sheriff Department of Riverside County. During the operation, 112 adults were arrested in Riverside County on suspicion of attracting prostitution, bud, ignition, various orders, possession of drugs and other crimes related to human trafficking. Services and resources, through advocacy groups such as Reach, Rebirth Homes and Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center, were offered 13 potential victims.
“Those victims of commercial sexual exploitation often have a long history of emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse or trauma of their origin,” the statement said. “Victims are often forced or forced to prostitute at a young age, with many people admitting that they were victims for the first time when they were about 14 years old and some younger ones.”
Special Sheriff Trafficking Traffic Group in Riverside County, formed by Riverside County Sheriff, the Riverside County District Bureau, the District Bureau of Investigations and Investigations of Internal Security, manages the local operation, along with numerous police and sheriffs, The whole county.
In San Bernardino County, investigators with the trafficking in the sheriff have led the participation throughout the county, which gave arrests to 42 persons to attract prostitution and one to hit and ignite, the department said. Five victims of human trafficking were provided services and resources, Sheriff said.
547 arrests were carried out throughout the country, and as a result of the operation, 117 casualties were linked.