
Opinion: Answer Sheriff Corps can remain in office – The Daily Post

Opinion: Answer Sheriff Corps can remain in office – The Daily Post

Opinion: Answer Sheriff Corps can remain in office – The Daily Post
In this photo, sheriff of San Matteo Cristina Corps and Lower Dan Perea appeared at the District Council of Supervisory Authorities on November 12th. Posted by Amelia Biscardi.


Dave Price

I would like to answer today to the arguments that I think that San Mateo Cristina Corps will make an attempt to convince voters to reject the measure A. Measure A is a change in the cities of the county, which will give the five -member supervisory authorities of the supervisory authorities The power to remove the sheriff with four fifth votes. The measure for the measure will be released early next month and will be forthcoming on March 4.

Corps, which was elected in 2022, was the subject of an investigation by former judge Ladoris Cordel, who talks with more than 40 witnesses. Cordel, who has no dog in the battle, has found evidence of unknown, racism, homophobia, abuse of power, revenge, conflict of interest and lies. The district supervisors want the power to remove the hull from office.

The argument for race and gender

Corps says the supervisory authorities are against her because she is Latina. But one of those five leaders, Noeliya Korzo, is the daughter of Guatemalan immigrants. Both the District Democratic Party and the Latinx Regional Club voted to support measure A.


Corps says that the measure A is a “picking of power” by leaders. But this is false. The sunsets for amendment of the temporary charter in 2028, the duration of the term of the housing. The power of the supervisors to remove the sheriff will not be constant.

Charter’s change is illegal

She also says it is illegal to change the charter to allow the supervisors to remove the sheriff. But the case law shows otherwise.

In 2002, the Supervisors of San Bernardino County amended their Charter to require a vote of four fifths to remove the sheriff. The sheriff at that time Gary Penrod challenged him in court and lost to the Court of Appeal. (See Penrod v. San Bernardino County, 126 185)

Twenty years later, the supervisory authorities of Los Angeles County made a similar requirement for four-fifth vote in November 2022 and it passed with 72% of the vote.

At that time, Alex Villanueva was a sheriff and he was accused of preventing the investigations from police brutality and allowed his employees to form bands.

In the same election, Vilanueva was for re-election, but lost to former Long Beach police chief Robert Luna, 61%-39%. I couldn’t find a case that disputes the change of Los Angeles County.

Erwin Chemerinski, a leading scientist in constitutional law and dean of the UC-Berkeley Legal School, called the Charter Amendment, requiring a vote of four fifth “desired reform”.

“There must be some method of accountability for the sheriff,” Chemerinski told Los Angeles Times. “This would create an essential mechanism for accountability and medicine in outrageous situations.”

How about download?

Some say the way to remove the sheriff is by downloading. But it can take one year and this is an emergency situation.

She showed a terrible judgment. We need a sheriff with good judgment at the head to deal with emergencies. The sheriff must be able to quickly make important decisions.

Based on what has been seen, it is not able to lead the sheriff’s reaction to situations such as school firing, an airline crash, a large -scale spill of dangerous materials, or a massive fire in which the sheriff will be responsible for evacuations.

And we cannot afford more incidents involving sheriff staff who will lead to court cases. In the last two years, Judge Cordel has found several credible cases of harassment. She is a fire assistant, Sharif Ryan Monaghan in revenge for conversations with Cordel. Monagan’s dismissal was so outrageous that she was blocked by Mike Kalagi County Manager.

Five people were killed in the prison of her watch. This must be addressed immediately. How many more people will die while we wait for a reminder?

The sheriff’s service is hardly functioning. MPs, sergeants, lieutenants and captains said they did not trust it. Civil servants are afraid of their safety, Cordel found.

Therefore, the next time you hear an opponent of the measure to give one of their arguments, you can answer them by using the information in this column.

The column of the editor Dave Price appears on Monday.

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