
Now is the time to start planning Hunter Education – Wyoming Game and Fish Department

Cheyenne – Large Game Apps are open and if you think of hunting now, it’s the right time to register for Hunter Education. The classes are available nationwide and can be filled quickly. To register for Hunter Education, visit Hunter Education website.

“If you are a new hunter, Spring is a good time to take a hunter education course,” says Katie Simpson, a Game and Fish Department education coordinator. “The earlier you register, the better. The classes are quickly completed and you do not want to miss the opportunity to complete a course before it’s too late. ”

For busy people hybrid Course option is available. Hybrid courses are good for those who cannot do a regular course or who want to work at their own pace. Hybrid courses require students to complete an online course and then attend a 4-hour, personal field to win their hunter’s education certification.

“Hunter Education strives to encourage safe and ethical hunting while teaching skills that will prevent accidents associated with hunting and firearms,” ​​Simpson said. “New hunters will also learn about the tradition of ethical hunting and their role in conservation.”

The game and the fish are always looking for qualified volunteers To teach hunter education courses and to help ensure that new hunters have a thorough understanding of safety, ethics and conservation. People who are interested should fill in a package to apply for an instructor and fill in a federal check on the criminal experience before attending a new instructor seminar. The next new instructors seminar will be February 20-22 in Thayne, and in April and June there will be two training sessions.

The hunter’s education is also available in 20 schools around the country. This allows students to safely explore outdoors by teaching them how to be ethical hunters and deal with firearms, as well as how to understand wildlife management and land protection and natural resources. Teachers who receive certified as a hunter education instructor to be able to Include hunter’s education in their curriculum He may receive teaching approval in the education of the hunter through the training board for professional standards of Wyoming.

You do not need your Hunter educational card to apply for Wyoming hunting licenses, but you are required to legally carry it with you when you are in the field. Wyoming requires the education of the hunter for all hunters born after January 1, 1966, with Exceptions to military and law enforcement authoritiesS

To register for a class, Visit the Hunter Education website.


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