On the radio
Join Nevada News Group’s Steve Ranson on KKOH Radio (780 AM) Friday at 4:30 pm as he discusses veterans events in the Reno-Sparks area.
Salute to Service Game.
A special day awaits veterans when the University of Nevada presents the Salute to Service game Saturday at Mackay Stadium.
The tailgate for veterans and their families will begin around 3-3:30 p.m. At least eight veterans from the Nevada State Veterans Home will attend the game, and organizers invite all veteran organizations to attend the game and festivities.
A presentation tentatively featuring 57 gold star flags worn by both University of Nevada ROTC students and student veterans will be carried onto the field.
The ticket sales team is offering veterans and military members discounted tickets to the Salute to Service game on November 2nd.
For tickets go to and then click ‘Enter Promo Code’ in the top right corner. Enter code “SALUTE” and get access to discounted tickets. Tickets are $10 for general admission for those who wish to take advantage of this promotion.
Veterans Day
• Veterans will be treated to a free breakfast on Nov. 11 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Fallon Convention Center.
The event begins with opening ceremonies and then a breakfast for the first 500 veterans. Sponsored by New Millennium.
• Virginia City’s Veterans Day Parade begins at 11 a.m. on C Street, while Reno’s parade begins at 11:11 a.m. on Virginia Street.
To enter the Virginia City parade, complete the online event form by going to https://visitvirginiacitynv.com/parade-entry-form/.
The annual Reno Veterans Day Parade is Nov. 11 at 11:11 a.m. in downtown Reno.
• RSVP Program for Rural Nevada, Inc. announces the fourth annual Pancake Breakfast for Veterans, sponsored by RSVP Program for Rural Counties of Nevada, Inc. in partnership with Carson City Elks Lodge #2177.
This special event will be held on Veterans Day, November 11th from 9-11am to honor and celebrate the service and sacrifices of our veterans. The Elks Lodge is located at 515 N. Nevada St.
All senior veterans and their families are invited to join us for a pancake breakfast as we gather to honor those who have served our country. Hosted by Elks Lodge #2177, this annual tradition is our way of saying thank you to the brave men and women who have selflessly served.
• November 11 at 12pm Veterans Day BBQ at the Vet Mech Arms in Fernley. This is a fundraiser for the Nevada Veterans Coalition and other veteran organizations.
Stop by their store or call to learn more about this event at 775-294-5458.
AUSA dinner
Speaker at the Veterans Association of the United States Dinner on Nov. 8 is Maj. Gen. Ondra Berry, retired adjutant general of Nevada.
The deadline for dinner registration is November 1st.
Social hour begins at 5:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $58 per person. The dinner will be held at Tamarack Casino, 13101 S. Virginia St., Reno.
For additional information contact David Sousa, 775-544-8786 or vfwsousa@gmail.com
RSVP online at https://www.ausa-westmoreland.org.
Berry served as the Adjutant General of the State of Nevada from 2019-2024. He was the senior uniformed officer of the Nevada National Guard responsible for the formulation, development and coordination of all policies, programs and plans affecting the more than 4,700 personnel of the Nevada Army and the Air National Guard.
Appointed by the Governor of the State of Nevada five years ago, Berry was the Chief Advisor on all National Guard matters and was responsible for both the federal and state missions of the Nevada National Guard.
This is Berry’s first public appearance since retiring last week.
VVA 989 Camos to the classroom
The annual Camos to Classroom Scholarship Program is fast approaching.
The event is Nov. 16 at the Renaissance Hotel Ball Room, 1 South Lake St., in Reno. The evening includes a no-host cocktail party, silent auction, live entertainment from the University of Nevada, Reno Jazz Ensemble, dinner, program and scholarship presentation.
The featured speaker is Nevada’s newest Adjutant General, Brig. Gen. D. Roger “Dan Waters.
General seating is $140 per person and seating is limited. Sponsorship opportunities are also available.
For questions, call Brigitte Stafford at 650-888-2564.
This is a non-political event sponsored by the Vietnam Veterans of America, Nevada Chapter 989 Veterans Benefit Foundation.
To order online, go to vvaReno989.org.
Wreaths Across America
The annual Wreaths Across America program is less than two months away, but fundraising to place a wreath on every veteran’s grave continues for the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Fernley.
A memorial service for Wenzi in America is planned for December 14 at 9 a.m. at NNVMC.
To order a wreath for Fernley’s NNVMC event, go to nnvc.org and click on Wreaths Across America for the pdf form or send your donation to: Nevada Veterans Coalition; PO Box 415; Fernley, NV 89408. If you are on their mailing list, you will soon receive your donation information in the mail to sponsor a wreath, or you can go to the Nevada Veterans Coalition website (supportnnvc.org) and click on Wreaths Across America logo with “DONATE” on it to sponsor a wreath.
Nevada Guard Retired Monthly Meetings
• Nevada Air Guard monthly breakfast is the second Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. at the Reno Elks Club.
• The Nevada Army Guard Breakfast is the second Monday of the month at 8 a.m. at the Carson City Elks Club. (November will be on November 18). The group would really like to increase its participation. The group currently has around 20-25 regular members.
Remember, the Elks do not charge for breakfast.
Each meeting usually includes a guest speaker. Guests are welcome.
Caregiver Support Program
The Caregiver Support Program (CSP) announces the launch of its innovative Safe Transfer video series and accompanying tip sheet designed specifically for caregivers assisting veterans with body mechanics and moving.
These videos contain basic tips and skills tailored to help caregivers facilitate safe transfers, including bed, wheelchair, toilet and bath transfers. In addition, caregivers can use the accompanying tip sheet as a comprehensive guide offering information on proper transfer techniques, caregiver body mechanics, and key considerations during the transfer process.
Developed by a dedicated CSP task force that includes occupational and physical therapists, this comprehensive resource library aims to improve the safety of veterans in the comfort of their homes.
To access these resources, visit the CSP website for a tip sheet and a dedicated YouTube playlist: https://www.caregiver.va.gov/Tips_Tools.asp.
Veterans up
Veterans Upward Bound at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno welcomes veterans. TMCC can assist with academic advising, college applications, educational benefits, academic review, and referrals to community resources.
Veterans Upward Bound is a US Department of Education program for veterans. For information, call 775-829-9007 or email vub@TMCC.edu. The website is vub.tmcc.edu.
Veterans Parents Act
The Education Flexibility for Veteran Parents Act will allow veterans with children to access full housing benefits provided through the GI Bill, whether that program is in person or online.
The GI Bill is an important tool for many veterans to enhance their education. Currently, veterans who are parents and pursuing their education online are eligible for only half of the housing benefits available in the GI Bill. This requirement often forces parents to choose between attending attendance classes to receive full benefits or staying home with their children.
DEERS station opens in Carson City
A new Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting Station (DEERS) in Carson City promises to give uniformed service members in the Capital Region improved access to the Department of Defense database, which includes information on every uniformed service member (including active duty, retired and reserve privates), DOD civilians, and other personnel as directed by DOD.
The new Carson City station, located at the Adjutant General’s office, 2460 Fairview Drive, replaces the recently closed DEERS station in Reno at the Military Services Support Center, 685 E. Plumb Lane. Reno maintains a DEERS station just a short distance off Plumb Lane at the Nevada National Guard Base, 1776 National Guard Way.
Enrollment in DEERS is essential for those seeking a Military Common Access Card or Uniformed Services Identification Card. DEERS registration is also required for TRICARE eligibility and enrollment.
To make an appointment, go to (use the location “AG HQ Nevada.”) Due to security concerns, appointments are not possible.
To request an appointment at the Reno DEERS station, go to: or call 775-788-4523.
For information about ID card processing at Naval Air Station Fallon, call 775-426-2808.
Vet Tix has event tickets
Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix) is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides free tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts and family activities to current military personnel, veterans of all eras and immediate family of those who died in battle.
Since 2008, Vet Tix has provided over 25 million free event tickets to over 2 million members.
In 2018, Vet Tix launched 1st Tix, which provides the same benefit to our nation’s first responders, including current and retired law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs and 911 dispatchers.
These events help service members, veterans and first responders reduce stress, strengthen family bonds, build lifelong memories and encourage them to stay engaged in American life and their local communities.
Vet Tix spends over 98 percent of its revenue on its programs, ensuring that we give back to those who have given so much.
Visit VetTix.org and 1stTix.org to learn more.
Military articles and news briefs compiled by Nevada News Group. Questions can be directed to SNMGmilitaryeditor@gmail.com.