
No. 15 Seminoles Sweet Florida 4-0 in front of Packed Home Crowd-State University in Florida

No. 15 Seminoles Sweet Florida 4-0 in front of Packed Home Crowd-State University in Florida

Talahasi – Florida Men’s Men’s Tennis State State Florida swept Florida 4-0 in front of the overcrowded memorial tennis center of Scott Spotheir on Friday night. The Seminols swept Florida in the rear seasons.

FSU enjoyed an unbeaten series of seven games in a pair game and carried these performances to the rival match. Yang Self and Jamie Connell I came out strong, quickly relaxed before a 6-2 victory on the court 3. The couple is 3-0 in their four double appearances this spring.

Eric Shiel and Joshua Dous-Karpenschif Excavated deep as they traded games back and forth at 4-4, before a break point allowed them to serve the point in pairs. The duo won four design matches and was not defeated on court 2 this season.

Seminoles uses the early impulse to great advantage by winning five of the six finding sets in single. DOUS-KARPENSCHIF uses its white form to win the first set 6-1 before repeating the same result to secure the second team on the court 5. Lyon, France, the local won their fifth match in the spring after two unfinished matches at The ITA Kickoff Weekend.

Azariah rusher He made his debut in the match for rivalry and worked in the first shot 6-3 before finding his rhythm and achieving his single singles with a commander of 6-1 seconds. The sophomor bounced from his lone loss during the season to seal his fifth victory in 2025.

Connell controls his match from beginning to end with two sets 6-2 and noted the last point of the match for the victory of the rivalry of the statement. The player # 22 in the nation leads the team with six double -match wins and a few remarkable court victories 1 and 2 in the early season.

The Seminols will complete their nine games for the home with a ranked battle against No. 20 Alabama on Saturday, February 8th. Live and statistics video will be available on

#15 Florida State 4, Florida 0
Singley competition:

#9 Corey Craig (FSU) vs #41 Jeremy Jin (FLA) 6-1, 2-5, unfinished
#22 Jamie Connell (FSU) def. Adhithya Ganesan (FLA) 6-2, 6-2

Alex Bulte (FSU) vs #106 Henry Jefferson (FLA) 5-7, 3-2, unfinished

Eric Shiel (FSU) against Janmagnus Johnson (FLA) 6-3, 4-1, unfinished

Joshua Dous-Karpenschif (FSU) def. Tanapatt Nirundorn (FLA) 6-1, 6-1

Azariah rusher (FSU) def. Bradley Palis (Fla) 6-3, 6-1

Competition to couples:
#6 Alex Bulte/ /Youcef rihane (FSU) vs.
#112 Eric Shiel/ /Joshua Dous-Karpenschif (FSU) def. Adhithya Ganesan/Jeremy Jin (FLA) 6-4

Yang Self/ /Jamie Connell (FSU) def. Bradley Paliska/Neals Villard (Florida) 6-2

Florida (7-2) Florida (2-2)
Order of the final: pairs (3, 2); Singles (5, 6, 2)

For more information about the men’s Florida Men’s Tennis Program, check and follow us on social media in Florida Men’s Men’s Tennis (FB) and Fsumtennis (IG and X).

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