
NASCAR partnered with Winston -Salem State University before the Bowman Gray Stadium – Stadium

NASCAR partnered with Winston -Salem State University before the Bowman Gray Stadium – Stadium

Winston-Salem, NC-Sum like Cookout Clash is rolling over for the Bowman Gray Stadium weekend, State University students are preparing to embark on a golden partner with NASCAR.

“I’ve never seen anything like that before,” said Wssu Junior, Julian. “This is a big factor here in North Carolina, it’s very popular.”

“Seeing the backstage really, well, shapes you and be a better job candidate, so once in your life it was an opportunity, so why not take it?” Said the senior WSSU Juana Ramirez Maniquez.

Fourteen students were selected to be part of the opening class in the Winston-Salem’s NASCAR Campus campus lab.

“The program was developed by NASCAR to bring HBCU organizations and schools so that we can bring new students in the NASCAR world,” says Dr. Clay Harshow, Assistant Professor of Motorsport Management Management

Harshow has been with this partnership since its inception.

“This enables them to be exposed to the industry as well as to gain some experience and to develop some skills there, as well as to get opportunities to get acquainted with the career opportunities and to contact people who are already in this one Industry, “explained Dr. Hardeshow.

This is only the Second University in the whole country selected by NASCAR, and this introductory class seeks to cement as an engine with power.

“It’s really cool to be the first group chosen to start this because who knows? This can happen in the next 100 years here in WSSU, “said

And with the cohort of the NASCAR laboratory, it continues its education, helping this weekend in the clash, the sky is the border or in this case 200 laps at the Bowman Gray Stadium.

“This is a partnership that will continue to flourish, especially as we have, you know, the Bowman Gray Stadium. Competitions are the sport you go to once and get addicted for life. “, Ramirez Manrices proclaimed.

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