Baton Rouge – Multiple parish governments want residents to use water only when it is essential to help relieve increased demand, while others have announced tips for limewater.
Ascension, assumption, the parishes of Eastern Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge, along with the cities of Bervik and Franklin, ask the residents to use water only when necessary to prevent the water pressure problems. Franklin officials said the problems with the water pressure zones arise when the water line of Weber Street burst.
Officials said that in order to ensure that the water is available for everyone, stop dripping cranes during the day, telling them to resume them when temperatures fall again in the evening and use water only when necessary.
Limiting water use can prevent boiling consultations from boiling and ensure that all first responders have access to water if they need to respond to an emergency.
Iberville Parish raised his consultancy Saturday for East Iberville customers, saying that no pollution was found during testing.
The following areas have issued consultations on boiling water:
– Ascension Parish.
– St. John the baptismal parish
– The city of Jackson
– Springfield City
– City of Kentwood
Residents should not consume water until it is boiled. Orders will be canceled after the tests of the State Health Department have returned clearly.