
Millions in California called to stay inside – Newsweek

Millions in California called to stay inside – Newsweek

Over the weekend in California, a notice of burning was created in California, with reports of air quality issued by the National Meteorological Service (NWS).

Why does it matter

The days of non -burning are applied to protect public health when the levels of contamination of the fine particles are expected to be high in the air pool on the south coast.

Smoke particles can penetrate deep into the lungs, leading to health problems such as asthma attacks, increased visits to the emergency room and hospitalizations.

What to know

The South Coast Air Quality Management area (AQMD) has expanded the NO Burning Day alert from Saturday to Sunday.

During this time, the use of fireplaces or any firewood burning devices or outdoors is prohibited.

The no -burn rule also prohibits the burning of wood and fire trucks, including those made of wax or paper.

The South Coast Air Pool includes County Orange and non -regulation of Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino.

Burnt card
The South Coast AQMD card illustrates which parts of southern California were under the Burn Day alert this weekend.

South coast AQMD

South Coast AQMD – Air Pollution Control Agency for the entire Orange County and the city parts of the cities of Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino – covers an area of ​​10 743 square miles, which is home to more than 16.8 million people.

A NWS air quality signal advises that those in an area with poor air quality should avoid intensive outdoor activity and remain inside with closed windows and doors. Air conditioners or air purifiers must be started until the devices that are pulled into the air from the open should not be used.

Burning day signals do not apply to mountain communities over 3000 feet at height, the Coachella Valley or the High Desert.

Exceptions are also applied to homes that rely solely on a tree for heating, low -income households and residences without natural gas servicing. Gas and other fireplaces are not subject to restrictions, the South Coast AQMD reports.

What do people say

South Coast AQMD stated in its consultations: “Do your role to help keep our air clean by not burning firewood during the mandatory prohibition of wood burning.”

He added: “The days without burning are based on fine pollution of dust particles that is predicted [sic] For a whole 24-hour period, which may not be reflected in real-time air quality cards. “

What happens after

A check by South Coast AQMD, before burning the program, lasts from November to the end of February, during peak particulate pollution levels.

So far, 25 burning signals have been issued for the 2024-2025 season, the message said.

During writing, air quality signals were in force for the whole Saturday and Sunday.

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