
Military posts along the Santa Fe Trail featured in a Friends of New Mexico History Museum online lecture on February 5 – Los Alamos Daily Post

Military posts along the Santa Fe Trail featured in a Friends of New Mexico History Museum online lecture on February 5 – Los Alamos Daily Post

Military posts along the Santa Fe Trail featured in a Friends of New Mexico History Museum online lecture on February 5 – Los Alamos Daily PostEducator, Author Leo E. Oliva, Dr.

News from the Ministry of Culture:

Everyone is invited to join educator and author Leo E. Oliva, Ph.D., for an online lecture from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, February 5, “Web of Conquest: Military Posts and the Santa Fe Trail,” about the military posts and network of conquests along the Santa Fe Trail, as part of the Friends of History’s monthly lecture series.

The presentation will provide an overview of the military posts along the Santa Fe Trail, from St. Louis to Santa Fe, and the history of when and how each contributed to the conquest of Native Nations and the military conquest of the American Southwest during the U.S. Mexican War. Dr. Leo E. Oliva received his PhD in American Studies in 1964. and went on to teach American history at the university level for 22 years. He is the author of a dozen books, including Soldiers on the Santa Fe Trail (1967) and Fort Union and the Frontier Army of the Southwest (1993).

The presentation will provide an overview of the military posts along the Santa Fe Trail, from St. Louis to Santa Fe, and the history of when and how each contributed to the conquest of Native Nations and the military conquest of the American Southwest during the U.S. Mexican War. Dr. Leo E. Oliva received his PhD in American Studies in 1964. and went on to teach American history at the university level for 22 years. He is the author of a dozen books, including Soldiers on the Santa Fe Trail (1967) and Fort Union and the Frontier Army of the Southwest (1993).

Registration for this free online lecture is open at

For History Friends:

Friends of History, a not-for-profit volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the New Mexico Museum of History, offers the public monthly programs from a variety of speakers who are leading experts in their fields and have contributed to the history of New Mexico

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