
Metro of the SIU area to expand the bus service to the airport – pigeon 605

Metro of the SIU area to expand the bus service to the airport – pigeon 605

The subway of the Sioux area is expanding the bus service to the Sioux Falls Regional Airport, along with other improvements.

The new service begins on February 3.

Other changes are also in response to Community reviews as well as search and travel data. The superstructures in early 2025 include:

  • New Airport Service: Sam’s black route will move to the airport between 6:00 and 19:00 now that Benson Road construction is completed.
  • Larger morning routes: Purple, orange, green and red routes will start at 6 o’clock in the morning
  • Schedule adjustments: The time of the stops will be adjusted to improve the efficiency of the fixed route on time. New schedules are available on and in printed form at the bus depot of SAM center, 120 E. 11th ST).

“These exciting upgrades have been developed in close cooperation with the city and are intended to make more people try transit than ever,” says Emily Shapiro, General Manager of Siu Falls at VIA, who runs the SIU metro for the city. “VIA will continue its commitment to elevate the Sioux Falls public transport experience in 2025”

Vias reports “impressive profits in riding last year” and will continue to focus on data analysis, community education and feedback collection, the company said.

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