
McCollister: St. George better -Baton Rouge’s big deal -a bigger report

McCollister: St. George better -Baton Rouge’s big deal -a bigger report

Rolfe mccollister
ROLFE MCCOLLISTER JR. is a contributing colonist. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Business Report or his staff.

New Baton Mayor Ruzh Sid Edwards and the temporary mayor of St. George Dustin Yates still have to negotiate a deal on what services the government of the new city of the new city and an agreement on the very declared tax distribution will provide. But a new internal dispute erupted because of the proposed salaries for the mayor and the municipal council of St. George.

A packed room saw emotions rise and the charges fly when salaries of $ 175,000 were offered to the mayor and $ 44,000 for council members.

In the end, while there were slight reductions ($ 160,000 and $ 36,000 respectively) for this city of $ 86,000, frustrations were detained. However, I see other issues that are yet to be discussed that could threaten the passage of the city charter – not to mention the choice of the Council and the Mayor on March 29. The qualification starts today and I expect to see the competitors of the appointed.

I am told that St. George plans to follow the Central model and privatize urban operations using a company like IBTS, a non -profit purpose with professionals. Mayor Wade Evans says he is “very pleased” with IBTS. Due to the agreement, the local government of Central has only five employees, including the mayor.

The IBTS leader locally manages the operation and effectively acts as a “city manager”. The central mayor makes about $ 88,000, but there is no position of an urban manager with salary distribution.

Frisco, Texas, with a population of 230,000, is the fastest growing city in America and has been using a professional city manager for 35 years. This man manages the whole show and wins $ 375,000. The mayor of Frisco makes $ 800 a month and is up to $ 1500. Council members receive $ 700 a month, which can be increased to $ 1,200.

Now compare that with what St. George does.

St. George’s leaders look confused. Do they go with the privatized model like Central – or a model of an urban manager? It sounds like they are trying to do both, which will lead to too many cooks in the kitchen. Payment of six -digit salaries for mayor and city manager and then hiring a company with a well -paid project manager to manage urban operations? These are three big salaries for a city aimed at being effective. What other cities do this? In addition to salaries, what are each person’s responsibilities? Who is responsible?

I see why many people were upset by current city leaders – and they still have questions to be responsible for residents and voters. As the qualification opens for the election, the management model and salaries will undoubtedly be significant questions for voters.

St. George’s Sales Terrain was a new city that was going in a new direction. Are those looking for leadership officials who receive it – or just more politicians? As the Charter of Domestic Rules is currently being written, I would vote “No”.

In his column, the McCollister also turns to the thoughts of the Central Mayor for download from Brek; Cats also become the idea of ​​privatization; The best use of the city park in the snow; holding law enforcement bodies; And the alarming ranking # 1 for Louisiana. Read the full column hereS Send comments to [email protected].

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