Along with the surprising trade of franchise player Luca Doncic, some Dallas Maverix fans say they have learned this week that their seasonal tickets will cost much more next season.
The NBC 5 talks to some fans who support MAVS from the beginning – about a week they would like to forget.
After a day of demonstrations against the shocking trading, the memorials were removed and Luka Doncic’s posters were removed from the Center for US Airlines.
Looking at how everything unfolded, 89-year-old Jackie Marx could only ask: Why?
“My son called me and he said, did you see where MAVS traded on Luke, and I told what?!” Marx told the NBC 5.
Marx has tickets for Mavericks from the first season of the team more than 40 years ago.
Since then, she has never had a shock, hearing that the team will trade with her young superstar of Los Angeles Lakers.
“And it makes me wonder if anything is happening that they don’t tell us, you know, it’s just weird,” Marx said.
Fans in Dallas are breeding – perhaps no more than the artist Jenny Storms, who recently created a massive piece of onion from cereal boxes.
“I made him never think that he would be traded by Dallas after Bailion, he didn’t even go through my mind,” Gurms said.
Doncic’s image in his Mavs T -shirt took weeks to create and was ready to be shown in Galleria Dallas on February 13, with a price of $ 7,700.
The ring was still planning to show the piece – hoping the dust would settle next week.
“And this is less for their anger for the Maveri and more for the love of Luke while he was here,” Burmbls said.
Fans were not just concerned about the team on the floor.
The NBC 5 received a notification that a fan received from Mavericks, saying that his seasonal tickets would cost 61% more next season, raising thousands of dollars price.
Marx told the NBC 5 that the cost of her ticket has also increased, but despite the tumultuous week, she is not yet ready to give up Mavericks.
“I don’t think I’m so, I want to go to see what happens, let’s at least give him a chance,” Marx said. “I don’t think it will be fine, I definitely don’t think it will be great, but I want to see what will happen.”