Associate Professor of Chan Mattingli from the Department of Management, along with his co -authors, had two documents adopted for a presentation at the European Academy of Management. Founded in 2001, the Academy is a global society dedicated to the development of management research in Europe. The conference in 2024 was held on June 24-28 at the University of BAT in the United Kingdom, focusing on how innovation can cope with global challenges.
Mattingli’s first book: “Should I sound creative? The influence of creativity speaks, a type of campaign, language tone and gratitude for the success of crowdfanding, “examines whether the use of wording related to innovation and creativity has an impact on the success of the crowdfanding campaign. The study analyzes over 240,000 crowdfanding campaigns using a computer with a computer. The findings revealed that Crowdfanding supporters respond positively to the respiratory of creativity. In addition, both the positive language tone and the use of words expressing gratitude increase the effect of this formulation on the success of the campaign.
The second document, “career self -determination and entrepreneurship: young adults, ambitious creators of content and holistic thinkers want autonomy”, alleges the theory of psychological reaction and identifies the creation of content such as Avenue, people pursue to reduce the psychological reaction related to low levels autonomy. A joint study for the analysis of 405 participants reveals that autonomy is a major entrepreneurial motivator, especially for young adults, ambitious creators of content and complete thinkers.