
LUBBOCK POLICE LAUNCH LAUNCH from the use of the app for issuing quotes – KCBD

LUBBOCK POLICE LAUNCH LAUNCH from the use of the app for issuing quotes – KCBD

Lubbock, Texas (KCBD) – Lubbock Police Department leaves handwritten tickets behind and will issue quotes using Sabbath smartphones.

All LPD employees will issue tickets through the Brazos Mobile mobile app through Tyler Technologies, their phones issued by the city.

Instead of hand writing information, employees will scan the bar code printed on driving licenses and registration. The app connected to a printer in the officer’s patrol car via Bluetooth, so they can give drivers a copy of the quotation.

Policeman Wyaat Mayers says the app can reduce traffic from up to 10 minutes to three, saving time for drivers, removing employees from the path of harm and releases them for other calls.

“This is a more effective process when it comes to the ticket process,” Mairs said. “The faster I can make this quotation through this app, the faster I can answer the home, which just pops down the street.”

Along with the faster traffic stops, Myers says that using the app means that quotes will reach the municipal judiciary almost instantly. For comparison, for handwritten quotes that had to be taken by a clerk, he says that drivers who were drawn on Thursday may have to wait until Tuesday so that they can reach the court.

Motorcycle staff use the application of telephones issued by the city since 2009. Last May, the Lubbock City Council has expanded its Tyler Technologies contract using already budgetary funds to buy telephones for all employees.

LPD posts a video explaining the Facebook switch, including another process change. Employees are now required to use the app to take a photo of the driver. Myers says that the photo and the information go directly through the application to a municipal court, not a police database or anywhere else by phone issued by the officer.

Myers says the main purpose of the photo is, so the municipal court can use it to catch it quickly if the driver has provided incorrect information or tries to pretend to be someone else.

“So if Susie’s sister uses her information to stop the movement because it looks very similar, but maybe there is a defining function that sets them apart when Susie gets this citation in the mail or order because she did not know she received she had received And a ticket, she can go to the municipal court and say, “Hey, I never had a ticket.” And the municipal court will be able to download this photo immediately and go: “You’re right. You have blond hair and the person in this photo has red hair. “

Without this photo, Mayers says that the municipal court staff will have to fill in an open -ended request to receive frames from the police station from the police station. He says drivers use other people’s information more often than he can think – “all the time.”

Although there is no punishment for refusing to take the picture, Mayers says the officers will still take one, even if drivers are trying to block the camera and their cameras worn out of the body will still capture the driver’s image.

LPD says employees will not use their city phones as personal phones.

The video that the department publishes, demonstrating the change shows the driver using his phone to show the employee proof of insurance that Mayers says most people make nowadays. But he wants to assure the drivers that this change in electronic citations has nothing to do with anyone’s phone but the officer.

“An employee will not stop the movement and say,” Hey, let me see your phone. ” This is not something, “he said.

Myers says that what has not changed is the reason for the issuance of quotes, not for the punishment of people, but for a change in dangerous behavior.

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