A notice has been issued ahead of a consultation which will take place before a formal application is made to North Ayrshire Council.
The prospective applicant, Keepmoat Homes Ltd, will seek to take feedback before releasing proposals to create a housing development on land north of Montgomery Park in the city.
Further details of the scale of the plans have not been detailed at this stage, but will be available for viewing at an in-person event to be held next month.
This will be held at Castlepark Community Center on Wednesday 6th November from 2pm to 7pm.
During this event, members of the project team will be available to answer any questions and receive feedback on the proposals.
Further information is also available from Iceni Projects at 201 George Street in Glasgow – or on 0141 473 7338.
Those wishing to make comments should do so at the event or by email at MontgomeriePark@iceniprojects.com no later than November 28.
As no formal application has been made at this stage, no representations should be made to North Ayrshire Council.