
Letter: The criticism of the Hanover School Board Senator wrong – Richmond Times – Disipach

Letter: The criticism of the Hanover School Board Senator wrong – Richmond Times – Disipach

As a retired teacher and resident of Hanover County with grandchildren in the school system, the comments of State Senator Stella Pekarski in Hanover’s Supervisors are opposed to the bill to require selected school advice, January 24, are deeply concerned. Her comments are full of assumptions. She accepts that the appointed member of the school council is more responsible to the representative who appointed them than the children and teachers who represent them. She suggests that the elected representative would do better work. She stated that the Hanover referendum has chosen members of the school council to fail, “because people with money are trying to control the process.”

Perhaps the appointed members of the Hanover School Board have the best interest in students, teachers and staff by heart. Perhaps their time is dedicated to the support of public schools in Hanover County. Perhaps their time is dedicated to the work to meet the needs of schools in Hanover, as opposed to conducting election campaigns. The voters in Hanover may be pleased with the work of the appointed members of the school council and maybe that is why the referendum failed.

Hanover County Public Schools may have a chosen school board in the future. The hope is that it will continue the good work that is done.

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