Vanessa moves
Communications & Media Relations Virginia Manager, CBF
art news media
During the Virginia’s legislative session this month, legislators will look at the measures that relate to the increasing challenges of climate change and increase Virginia’s protection against extreme weather. These include the return of Virginia to the regional greenhouse gases initiative, enhance the readiness of Virginia’s floods and expanding natural protection against erosion and storm.
Last year, he brought record summer temperatures, deadly storms such as Hurricane Helen and floods that dominate the calendars of coastal communities. The coastal Virginia monitors the highest rate of relative sea level on the Atlantic coast while residents fought with flood warnings 80 days last year, about quarter 2024.
Legislators will also look at Virginia Return Proposals to the Carbon Reducing Program known as the Regional Green Gases Initiative (RGGI), as well as expanding resources for flooding.
“We cannot afford to normalize what is extreme. The increasing threats to Virginians and their homes and businesses show the need for emergencies by state leaders. These accounts and budget changes are based on our progress and make Virginia’s communities stronger in the conditions of an unprecedented challenge ” said the delegate Phil Hernandezwhich introduced bills to improve the funding of the live coastline and the risk studies of the coastal storm.
Risk studies of coastal storm ensure that communities have the necessary resources to protect their homes and business.
“No Virginia community is immunized against the growing challenges caused by the climate crisis. We need to prepare now to avoid more damage and disasters in the future. These measures bring together resources to deal with this problem across the country, which is paramount to protecting the Virginia economy, protecting public health and preserving our natural resources, “” Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) Virginia’s Policy Jay Ford saidS
In order to build resilience across the country, CBF calls on legislators to support:
Virginia’s return to the Regional Gas Initiative (RGGI)
Strengthening the readiness to flood the community
Expand the natural protection against erosion and storm
Vanessa moves
Communications & Media Relations Virginia Manager, CBF