
Laredo residents and businesses feel an influence on increasing egg prices – KGNS

Laredo residents and businesses feel an influence on increasing egg prices – KGNS

Laredo, Texas (KGNS) – Egg prices continue to thwart Laredo and business buyers as the costs increase due to national shortage.

Local buyers are struggling with high prices

Foreign retail stores, many Larendo residents have expressed frustration with the increasing price of eggs. A concerned mother said she relied on eggs as a major source of protein for her daughter, but was worried about the recent price increase.

Companies feel the tension

For local food distributors, the shortage of eggs creates significant challenges. A food service company that supplies schools, restaurants and other agencies says the shortage injures their operations.


Ricardo Kavazos -Jr., from RC Service Food Service & ProductExpressed the shock felt by both business and customers. “This is a shock to our customers, as it is for us, for all of us. I’m sure everyone who goes to the store will buy their eggs. You can see that eggs have always been at $ 2 a dozen in a long time. And now they are what? $ 7, maybe? $ 6, $ 7? “

Kavazos noted that although prices were constantly rising after the pandemic, they were sharply tossed, creating more tension for both consumers and business.

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