
KTVB Learning News: Boise High School Navigated Prohibited Books in Libraries –

KTVB Learning News: Boise High School Navigated Prohibited Books in Libraries –

Boyz high school student Malia Clowson talks to the chief librarian on the controversial topic of removing books from shelves.

Boyz, Idaho – History of Malia Clauson – Boise High School

Recently, some schools in Idaho have removed books from shelves in school libraries. With many bans on the spot, how does Boise High School work through the Book Challenge process?

“The way our policy is written is that it should be the parent of a student enrolled in this school,” says Boise High Head Natasha Rush librarian. “The parent can challenge a challenge and they go through the whole process. There are a review forms that you fill in and then a committee is formed.”

This committee is at the level area. Asked what kinds of books are being challenged, Rush said it has changed over the years.

“In order to be very honest, many of this have to deal with characters who are in the LGBTQ+ Community,” Rush said. “If you look at the most contested books across the country, many of them include this particular community.”

Rush says that her goal for the library is for children to see themselves reflected on the shelves.

“The big part of the library is that you don’t have to read anything. If you don’t want to read a book you don’t need, but you need to be given the right to read a book. After all, I just want the kids to feel seen and think that a really good way to do it is through the books on the shelf.

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