
Joint Meeting for Discussion of Regional Fire Service in Washo County – KTVN

Joint Meeting for Discussion of Regional Fire Service in Washo County – KTVN

The cities of Reno, Sparks and the Washo County Commissioners have all crossed proposals in a joint meeting on Thursday to start discussing ways to make our community more fascinated than fires.

The meeting did not change anything specific, but this will make the ball roll on possible regional fire safety solutions.

“This is the moment, we need it now,” said Mayor Hillary Sheve, Renault during the meeting. “Unfortunately, Davis’s people were needed for people to be like,” Oh my God, things have to change in this region. “

For more than three hours, the selected employees talked through ideas for better work with each other.

“This region deserves it. We can be more effective in providing a service,” said fire chief Dave Co -fever, Renault’s Fire Service. “We can remove the cuts.”

A point that was thrown a lot during the meeting is the resident is not interested in what is coming to save the day.

“If a citizen calls for help, they do not know or are not interested in imaginary lines on an imaginary map,” says Michael Clark, Commissioner of Washo County for Region 2.

The meeting began with a presentation from the Washoe County Emergency Situations.

They talked about emergency plans and their many partners they are currently working with to keep the community safe.

The team said they believe plans should be updated and discarded an idea of ​​attracting a third party to do a study.

Then each regional head of the fire department presented a presentation for what they believe will improve efforts.

There were two things that really rammed the landing in the room.

The first was a regional computer shipping system, which would be an advantage later in the year.

“The regional CAD is an instrument and what it does is to allow jurisdictions to share information via electronic limits,” said Co -Cokri.

“In the end, the new CAD will be in place, we hope that in September is the date of Go Live,” said temporary fire chief Dale Way, Truckee Meadows Fire and Rescue. “At this point, every agency will be able to see its assets and send them.”

Renault and sparks have different CAD systems from Truckee Meadows.

Fire chiefs hope that in the end, this leads to a single sending center.

Since this regional CAD system is available, this will lead to the second popular option discussed at the meeting.

“So, this comes to a point where we can seriously look at unlimited automatic assistance,” said the interim main road.

Back in November, Reno Fire and TMFR began a new automatic agreement.

Both Reno Fire and TMFR say that the agreement has proven to be successful.

However, fire superiors offer an unlimited automotive agreement to improve efforts even more.

This Agreement is only for specific areas, unlimited would allow the closest resource, regardless of jurisdiction, to respond first.

The bosses say that such an agreement cannot be made until the CAD system is integrated, but they can still discuss how to work together once the system is ready.

Regionalization and consolidation are two terms that often come together, but are two different ideas.

“The regionalization of services is more cooperation, cooperation with each other,” said the interim main road. “Consolidation is actually combining agencies, which is very difficult, right? It includes funding and a management scheme that has not yet been developed.”

Consolidation is the step where residents may have to pay taxes, but the region has a long way before it happens.

However, Chief Crowy believes that this should be the gold standard.

“I worked as a firefighter when we were consolidated,” he said. “It was very effective. It was the best service operational service we could provide to the region. I would like to see us back to it.”

The regional heads of the fire department, the members of the city council and the commissioners will meet to discuss improvements.

They will report next month or so, with their suggested ideas and findings.

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