
Jeremy Matlow expands the olive branch, offers naming a transit center after Curtis Richardson – Talahasi Democrat

Jeremy Matlow expands the olive branch, offers naming a transit center after Curtis Richardson – Talahasi Democrat

Talahai City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow seems to expand an olive branch to one of his colleagues months after trying to remove him in the 2024 election.

Matlow, in an email over the weekend to the city manager Reese Goad, suggested that the new $ 20 million city transit center be named after city commissioner Curtis Richardson.

“Our body has a proud tradition of honoring our leaders, regardless of politics or political differences,” Matlow wrote. “In this spirit, I recommend that he assumes that we are calling Orange Avenue’s new SouthSide Transit center in honor of city commissioner Curtis Richardson.”

However, it seems that Richardson will accept. Year said the city has a long -standing policy not to name facilities or buildings after sitting commissioners. He said he was talking to Richardson, who “completely agreed.”

“In my opinion, this is not a bad idea,” Yord said. “Commissioner Richardson did great things. But I think the long -standing actions of the city are that you wait until someone is already serving to give them their flowers. “

Richardson could not be reached immediately for comment.

Matlow said in his email that he plans to bring his idea to the full city committee, calling it “the right thing to do”, given Richardson’s long political career.

Richardson served in the School Board of Trustees and at Florida’s House before being elected to the City Commission in 2014. He was re -elected last year after bitterly struggling with the election, despite Matlow’s efforts and his Talahassi political committee, for To choose the opponent of Richardson, former city commissioner Dot Inman-Johnson.

In his email, Matlow called Richardson the “longest-time advocate of the city” for the transit center.

“Commissioner Richardson is playing an important role in adding areas in the Southside Frenchtown Cra area, which paved the way for many of the improvements we see today,” Matlow writes. “Although his work on the Sales Tax Committee, he was able to provide projects such as the SouthSide transit center were considered for funding. “

Although the City Commission is made up entirely of the Democrats, it has long been divided into philosophical lines, such as Matlow and Commissioner Jack Porter on one side and Richardson, Mayor John Daily and Commissioner Diane Williams-Cox on the other.

Contact Jeff Burlew at [email protected] or 850-222-1697.

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