
Ashlin Watkins an average of 9.2 points and 7.4 rebounds last season, while helping Gamecocks at the National Championship.

Ashlin Watkins an average of 9.2 points and 7.4 rebounds last season, while helping Gamecocks at the National Championship. (Thien-Aan Truong/Isi Photos/Getty Images) (Thien-Aan Truong/Isi Photos via Getty Images)

South Carolina’s female basketball star Ashlin Watkins was arrested on allegations of abduction and attack on Saturday in Colombia, South Carolina, according to The Post and Courier.

Although the specifics of the incident are not clear, it is reported that Watkins “forcibly” grabbed the victim’s face, pulled his hands and pushed her into a student residential center in the campus of South Carolina. It is also claimed that “grabbed the victim’s head and forced her to descend down the hall, thus controlling her movement, while preventing her from leaving,” according to an order received from WLTX19.

The woman then escaped and pulled a fire alarm, according to the report and was treated for life -threatening injuries.

Watkins was accused of attack and first -degree attack and abduction after the incident. It was released on the bond and is forthcoming in October. South Carolina has been reported to say she is aware of the arrest and collects information, but has not released an official statement.

Watkins enters his third season with Gamecocks. It is an average of 9.2 points and 7.4 fights per game last season as a sophomore, while assisting the National Championship program. South Carolina went with 38-0 and defeated Iowa in the game of the National Championship to ask for her second title in the last three seasons.

Gamecocks will open their season on November 10 against North Carolina.

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