It will take the most dogmatists from the apologists to return to the claim that the Internet is becoming a more cynical place.
As our lives are inextricably becoming more and more attracted than ever affecting “always online” mandates both in our working and in privacy, it can be easy to feel that you are just pulling with the tide without considering the problem S
However, this is a big problem. For example, companies are a nest, enhance any information that they can, for you – some legally, others not so much – in an attempt to sell you better or sell your data to someone else who can.

Beyond that, the rise of large language models (LLM) and their insatiable search for larger, more diverse data sets should cause more concern than the present charm of their capabilities allows. This dynamic leaves the Internet in a very special position.
In the last 12 months we have seen many Lawsuits Against large technology companies for suspected confidentiality and data abuse while they are confronted, to train their AIS on each data body they can handle. If we have ever had an agency so far with the Internet, the range of it is certainly shrinking.
Undoubtedly, the problem is exacerbated by perhaps the softest, most fragmented and opaque regulatory landscape we have once worked when it comes to data, confidentiality and now, AI -which transforms and changes the way regulations interact with each other on each other The basis of sovereignty, application and countless other aspects that make regulation in this space almost completely impenetrable.
So: Are we finally ready for something else?
Decentralization has long been considered a niche sphere in the great scheme of things; Affect of the overly healthy-somewhat to the point of paranoia-preparations of the Internet, if you wish. This turns out to be a short -sighted view.
We are already at a time when we do not know what we agree with when we enter the Internet. And no quantity prompts “accept all” not satisfactorily deal with it.
Enter David Ervine’s longstanding vision, Autonomi -Decentralized Internet network of AYR based MaidsafeCompany started by IRVINE in 2006
In an interview with Digit, we talk to Irvin about the evolution of decentralization, the disadvantages of modern Internet and how Autonomi can be an innovative step to a more free, more securely digital future and the Internet, which may not be so terrible for A part of, in Ideal.
Why is the centralized internet model disadvantage
David Irvine, founder of Ayr Maidsafe -based and Autonomi network creator, has a career rooted in curiosity and innovation.
Starting as a trader in mechanical engineering, Irvine goes into electrical engineering and electronic engineering before embarking on calculations. He began his computer trip as a Thorn Emi graduated engineer, where he became a key contact for network communications.
“From there it was naturally a progression to the design of the network,” he explains. His expertise led him to Saudi Arabia, where he designs what he called the “biggest private network in the world” before returning home to start his own business in 1995.
This trip ended with the creation of Maidsafe in 2006, the precursor to the Autonomi network.
Reflecting in the early 2000s, Ervine notes that “decentralization was not something then, and it wasn’t even a word related to networking in any sense.”
The predominant design of servers, in his opinion, is a major drawback to the way the Internet works. “The servers were just an extension of the traditional LAN, which meant that there were owners and controllers, and this is obviously wrong,” he says.
Irvine’s vision was to move away from this model and use the collective power of local computers that share resources.
The result was a design that overtook its time.
“I knew that computers had never had enough storage or bandwidth,” he admits, “but it was clear that everything was increasing exponentially and, after all, it was not a problem.
“Essentially Maidsafe, it was a design for tomorrow, which could only happen tomorrow, at least then.”
Before we deepen deeper into the technical aspects of how Autonomi delivers, it is important to be clear what we mean by decentralization.
The term can serve as interchangeable with democratization when it comes to the Internet. This is the idea of moving inherited structures from a centralized checkpoint (consider things like banking, regulating, property, moderation, storage of data and many, many more cases of use).
Decentralization, when properly implemented, gives rise to shared responsibility and offers people more control and agency – and of course, confidentiality.
Ervine offers a sharp criticism of the modern Internet: “The Internet is shifting – from the free, open space we all envisage, to acceptance that we are controlled and now to the point where we recognize something is at its core,” he says.
How does the Autonomi decentralized Internet work?
Autonomi is built on two main components: nodes and clients.
Ervine explains: “Nodes are a simple program that works without configuration on your computer and earns loans – tokens, cash or some form of payment. This is what you share your free resources safely with the world. ”
In the meantime, clients are the human interface that covers applications designed to compete or exceed the available today. Most importantly, “you don’t know who you share resources with – it’s actually the world,” he says.
“There is no person or corporation that gives you money; This is a global sharing mechanism that removes people from this cycle and makes it completely balanced and fair. “
The network also provides complete autonomy for users. “The data you store is stored forever,” Ervine emphasizes, “so there are no monthly payments or whatever. The network agrees to store and protect your data forever. “
Essentially Autonomi is a decentralized “layer” of the Internet, powered by the reserve capacity of everyday devices that allows you to store secure data, communicate, have access to knowledge, build a business and manage services without intermediaries or goalkeepers S It is intended to give people complete sovereignty over their personal data.
While many features of Autonomi Network can be characterized as “Web3” – this is the nomenclature that Ervine is not an amateur.
He explains: “I feel we need to develop and since I do not call AI or LLM Compute 2.0, I am not a fan of this type 2.0 or 3.0 crutches as a means of progress.”
Irvin sees technology as a continuous evolution, not as segmented stages.
“The labels confuse me as people try to adapt them and then explain them in tribal ways. I just see evolution, “he says. However, it appreciates the energy that these movements carry perhaps creating more iterative labeling than people can easily understand.
The future with Autonomi and AI
Looking forward, Irvine is optimistic but cautious about the role of AI in shaping the world.
He says, “I feel that the world is about to change significantly with AI, not only in the opportunity to talk to your computer, but also with how we handle knowledge and what it means for data.”
However, he quickly refers to “extreme dangers of controlled AI.”
Irvine positions Autonomi as a precaution against such threats, saying: “Autonomi is a true decentralized solution that can improve individual security with purely local, private conversations with AI.”
Beyond that, it facilitates the safe sharing of “knowledge spots” – segments of neural networks or vector shops – which, in his opinion, will transform our ability to understand each other.
“This level of knowledge sharing is a threat of capture and control that we should never have encountered, but Autonomi can be a rock hard approach to a world of astonishment and individual freedom, as we have never seen.”
For Irvine, the transition from data networks to knowledge networks will be revolutionary. “He will be more powerful than we can imagine and we will require us to keep an agency of our own thoughts,” he stresses.
Recommended reading
“The benefits we are about to receive [from AI] Health, education and knowledge base are unprecedented. The ability of robots to do manual work will transform society in abundance. We are confronted with an incredible future, but only If we defend individual freedom at all costs, there can be no place to control any kind of this world and the rights of the individual must be irrevocable and absolute. “
Autonomi, says Irvine, will play a vital role in the protection and allowing this future, ensuring that it is the one where individual freedom and innovation flourish.
“It may seem like a strange business model to work for vision, but our belief is satisfying that vision is an absolute need for humanity and continuing our evolution.
“No company can claim it, but many of them can and should strive to make their role. This value will be rewarded in many ways, but we must, most of all, raise all together and in harmony.
“We will do a little in this exciting and critical time.”