
Irving Paper descends again due to high electric speeds –

Irving Paper descends again due to high electric speeds –

The promised third -country audit of the New Brunswick government for NB Power’s jump accounts is welcomed by both housing plans and Irving Paper, which consistently warns that New Bunswick’s non -competitive industrial rates have a negative impact on the provincial economy.

Irving Paper will again close 50 percent of its operations for an indefinite period in response to the current unprecedented odors.

“We sympathize with the shock of the prices of customers of the home. We have been experiencing the same over the last few years and have been raising the alarm for months, “says Mark Mosher, Vice President of Pulp & Paper, JD Irving, Limited. “As Canadian producers are confronted with increasingly significant winds, it is becoming increasingly difficult to absorb this type of impact and remain competitive in the international market.

“New Bunswick will see another 10 percent increase in April 2025, which worsens the situation even more worse,” Mosher added.

More than 95 percent of Paper Paper’s annual production production (400,000 tonnes of paper) is exported to 65 countries.

As the largest NB Power electricity user, Irving paper has repeatedly requested the utility service to revise its electricity speeds, which are 22 percent higher than the average industrial rate and the climb of Canada. In the past, annual costs an average of about $ 60 million. In 2024, this price exceeded $ 83 million and is expected to reach the $ 100 million brand in 2025, and with considerable time, which is reported.

Situated on the 435 Bayside Drive in St. John, Irving Paper is a manufacturer of world -class graphics paper for use in magazines, catalogs, newspapers and advertising leaflets. He directly hires 310 people and maintains over 300 suppliers in New Brunsuick, with a total of $ 144 million purchases in 40 communities in 2023. He is also a major consumer of wooden chips from New Brunsuick, who are partly delivered by local chips from New Bunsuick, which are partly delivered by local chips from local wall stands, which are partly delivered by local local logs private wooden and marketing boards.

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