
Improvements in the movement of Avenue Waterman and Highway 210 – The Internal Empire Community

Improvements in the movement of Avenue Waterman and Highway 210 – The Internal Empire Community

The city of San Bernardino in partnership with the Transport Authority of San Bernardino County (SBCTA) has launched a $ 9.8 million project, which will facilitate congestion and improve the safety of the 210 highway and Avenue Waterman in San Bernardino.

Waterman Avenue is a key mobility corridor in San Bernardino and serves as an important point for accessing communities in San Bernardino Mountains. The increased volumes of traffic at the 210 highway exit have led to heavy traffic jams and backups for motorists.

The project will add a second summer turnbar in any direction of Avenue Waterman and extend to the east within the 210 highway from one to two lanes.

“The 210 Highway Exchange project – Waterman Avenue is a progress and opportunity for San Bernardino,” said San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran, who represents the city on the SBCTA board. “Improving traffic efficiency, increased safety and support for economic development, this project is a vital step towards creating a more accessible and thriving city.”

During construction, Avenue Waterman will remain open at any time. However, there will be periodic closures of the tape to comply with the work on improvements. Sometimes they will also require the east of Ram to the 210 highway, with the planned deviations route drivers to Avenue del Rosa.

The project, which started in mid -January, is expected to be completed in November 2025. $ 7.9 million from the voter approved measure I and $ 1.9 from the city of San Bernardino finance the $ 9.8 million project.

For more information, please visit SBCTA at 877-55-BCTA or [email protected].

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