
Immigration Implementing Bill in Idaho – State Public Radio Boise State

Immigration Implementing Bill in Idaho – State Public Radio Boise State

A controversial bill that gives Idaho cops the opportunity to apply US laws to immigration is directed to the state senate.

The Republicans of the Chamber accepted the proposal on Monday morning when a party line vote. This would allow law enforcement authorities to blame someone who is illegally in the country, but only if they were detained or investigated for a separate crime.

Reporter Bruce Scowg (R-Nampa) said his bill did not encourage racial profiling.

“It doesn’t go after people who do not look like us or speak our language,” Skau said. “This goes after people who participate potentially or possibly or probably in crimes.”

He said that law enforcement agencies would also not be able to attack business places to ask workers for their immigration documents.

The chairman of the minority cause of the D-Boise house said it was completely on board, not “donating the sanctuary” of unauthorized immigrants who commit crimes.

However, Achilles said: “We will not repair the violated Federal Immigration System with a dubious constitutional state legislation that weakens the protection of civil rights and punishes the most productive industries of Idaho.”

The first violation would be a violation of subsequent violations considered crimes. Those convicted of the new crime will be deported.

The proposal reflects the Law of Texas, which is currently detained by the Court of Appeal of the 5th round.

“For nearly 150 years, the Supreme Court held that the powers to control immigration – the entry, acceptance and elimination of the non -iconic – is an extremely federal authority,” writes Chief Judge Priscilla Richman In its order of 2024, blocking the law to take effectS

In the end, Richman wrote that the State of Texas is not “likely to succeed in the merit” of his case.

Idaho’s bill is now heading for the state senate for consideration.

Copyright 2025 Public Radio Boise State

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