Baton Rouge, La. (Brproud) – A new survey shows which countries have the most unobtrusive men.
The Melone Hatley study, PC analyzes the US census data from 2022 to find the percentage of men who are not married in every country.
According to the data, New Mexico has the most non -men’s men with 55.7% of the male population that is not married. The study said that 39.8%had never married, along with 11.4%, which were divorced, 3%, which were widowed, and 1.4%, which were divided.
Louisiana is ranked # 2 with 54.4% unmarried men. The data show that 38.9% have never been attached, 10.5% are divorced, 3% widowed, and 2% are divided.
The only other southern state in the study is Mississippi, qualifying for # 5, with 53% of men unmarried.
Check out the top 10 countries with the most unanimous men.
New Mexico
New York
Alaska and Ohio
Study: Here’s what you need to do to be in top 1% in each country
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