Indianapolis (WTHR) -To motorcyclists rode the streets of Indianapolis in support of a 14-year-old boy who was recently attacked while driving his motorcycle for dirt.
More than 500 motorcyclists have enjoyed a high school on Sunday on Indianapolis-Planned trip to lift 14-year-old Jordan. The teenager rode his motorcycle on January 25, when he was attacked by a man in an incident who was caught on a video for surveillance.
“This is heartfelt,” says John Glass, one of the motorcyclists, who turned out to support Jordan. “You know, he doesn’t need to be afraid to drive a minibic.”
The suspect in the case has been identified as 46-year-old Jason Harel. He is accused of pushing Jordan to the ground and hit him, and threatens to kill the teenager and his family. The court documents say Harel told Jordan, “Stop on the road or I will kill you.”
“No matter what happens in your life, you don’t touch a child. There are no excuses for any of this, and I will tell you at the moment, the motorcycle community is number one to help children, “Glass said.
Jordan’s family says the pouring of support for the 14-year-old was overwhelming.
“I had to stop. I cried and hugged Jordan and was exactly like, “Do you see all those people here for you?”, Said the mother of the teenager, Brittany Schwitz. “We have to gather all and protect the children, and Jordan has many people who have their backs.”
The court documents say Schwickke told police that Harel would often be upset by neighborhood children riding motorized bicycles either on the sidewalk or on the road. Harel himself claims to have told the children of the police who ride on motorcycles, “hit” the neighborhood. He denied pressing or hitting Jordan, saying that he had only called to him for his “usual” behavior, according to court documents.
Harel was loaded with battery and intimidation. He remained in prison with a court hearing scheduled for February 25th.
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