Last week’s historic winter storm can limit the delivery of crab and raise mud prices, but only in the short term.
This is according to Mark Shilley, a crab expert with Lsu agCenterS
Shirley says Daily report The fact that the cold weather slowed down the catch of crabs “quite a bit” because crabs do not move when the water temperatures drop as low as last week, which means they do not break into the harvest traps.
However, Shirley is still expecting a strong crab season this year. Winter weather is not relevant to the population or the size of crabs and harvesters will return to business as usual after water temperatures begin to increase.
“The water is starting to warm now, so I expect the catch to take this week and next week,” says Shirley. “And in the spring, as we get some sun and a little rain, the crabs will continue to move and grow. Things look good for the season. “
This season is ready to be particularly strong compared to last year’s season, When the land made deliveries fall and prices to riseS
And while prices may remain high in the next few weeks, Shirley expects them to get off when the weather warms up. However, he is careful to note that this year’s crab farmers are increasing. Some of these inflated costs can be transferred to users.
“Their expenses – domestic, labor, pumping costs and all that – are higher than in recent years,” says Shirley. “You can expect to see a little higher average prices for the whole year.”
At Baton Rouge, Current Crabs can currently be purchased at prices ranging from $ 6.99 to $ 9.99 per lira, according to Crab appS Meanwhile, live crabs can currently be purchased at prices ranging from $ 5.50 to $ 7.99 a pound.