Derek Rosa, the teenage of Hyalia, who is said to have stabbed and killed his mother, can raise his mental health status in the test, lawyers said on Friday.
Rosa, who is already 14 years old, is faced with a first -degree murder and is currently being held at the Metro West County Prison, an adult facility awaiting a lawsuit.
In 2023, the teenager claims to have called the Hyali police to admit that he had stabbed his mother, 39-year-old Irina Garcia, to death with a kitchen knife.
In the last two years, defense and state lawyers have been preparing for a process that can happen in June, including interviewing witnesses such as other minors related to the case, according to records. Their roles in the case remain unclear.
In preparing for a trial on Friday, state lawyers asked whether Rose’s defense would bring mental health experts as witnesses.
In response, defense lawyers said they were not ready to provide names to mental health experts, but soon.
Judge Richard Herssh wondered if Rose’s lawyers would raise the protection of madness, why they were waiting for almost two years to do so.
According to Florida law, the protection of prosecution may be that “the defendant had a mental weakness, illness or defect; And because of this state, the defendant: he did not know what he or his consequences were doing; Or although the defendant knew what he was doing and his consequences, the defendant does not know that what he is doing is wrong.
Hersh has called on the defense attorneys to submit the right proposals if they plan to go on the route of madness as soon as possible, adding that they had enough time with their client.
A Judge at Miami-Dad issued an order on Thursday about adjustments in Miami Deid to provide more information about Hyaleya’s housing conditions accused of killing his mother.
Hersh also denied Rosa’s request to revise his refusal of December 2023 for the transfer of a teenager from an adult prison to the minor detention center.
Over the last two years, Rosa’s defense lawyers have been trying to claim that the adult prison has violated the rights of their customers, claiming that it does not give him enough time from his cell or enough lessons.
The teenager is most in prison privacy. Records received from NBC6 show that in March 2024 it was out of its cell for about 119 hours and only five of these hours were for educational purposes.
Prosecutors have always opposed to move him into holding minors because they say Rose is a major threat and should be treated as an adult prisoner. On Friday, Hersh reiterated that he believed that there was insufficient evidence that rose rights were being violated in adult prison.
Hersh again reminded the lawyers that he wanted Rose to focus on the trial as soon as possible and to identify June as a preliminary date.
However, lawyers are still trying to interview witnesses as a former Hyallea officer who denied to show up to his deposit, according to state lawyers. Despite prosecutors who say they will not need this trial officer, defense lawyers have stressed that they do not feel the same and want to sit with the former Hyallea interviewer.