
Hialeah Businessman has probably sent money from $ 41 million in a Medicare fraud to Cuba, according to Federali – WPLG Local 10

Hialeah Businessman has probably sent money from $ 41 million in a Medicare fraud to Cuba, according to Federali – WPLG Local 10

Miami – One uses his Hialeah companies to drink nearly $ 2 million as part of a greater Medicare fraud scheme of $ 41 million, according to a federal criminal complaint.

Agents said Edelberto Borges Morales, 62 -year -old, was detained and questioned about the scheme before going to Cuba on Thursday. But instead of the island state, he landed in a federal prison cell.

According to the complaint, the scheme included fraudulent claims for permanent medical equipment – or DME.

Authorities claim that three medical equipment companies in South Florida, One-Star Professional Services Inc., Med-Union Medical Center, Inc. and Vida Med Center LLC, charge Medicare a total of $ 41 million for equipment that has never been provided.

Investigators said none of the alleged beneficiaries of the equipment “had never heard of the company that supposedly provided them with DME, nor had heard or had to do with the listed physician prescribed by the billing information provided by these companies reflected in their Medicare claims.”

“Each of the interviewees said they did not need or receive DME, which is prescribed to be prescribed,” the complaint said.

In addition, a doctor listed by a star as a prescriptive said he “has never heard of a star” has not practiced medicine in the listed Medley’s headquarters of a star, “and has not prescribed DME to any of the patients who suggest that he has treated according to one Medicare star.”

More than 95% of invoicing is “for the billing codes related to skin grafts and the application of skin substitutes,” the authorities say, but none of the alleged beneficiaries “have suffered injuries requiring skin grafts.”

“They prescribed so many skin grafts that they should think I’m a whale,” the agents said one of them told the investigators.

According to the complaint, $ 1.9 million from the scheme was washed through Borges: RX Exclusive and GBT Max, both on October 16, 2024, and A & MTX Group, included five days later on October 16, 2024. All are registered at the same address, office building of 1275 W. 47th place in Hialeah.

All DME companies have sent checks to Borges companies, investigators said.

Authorities examined Borges’ journey and found that he had traveled between Cuba and Miami about 35 times for a two -year period, concluding that some of the inspections received by his companies were probably up to date while he was on the island.

The agents said as he questioned him on Thursday before he tried to get on a flight to Varadero, he “claims that a man approached him and offered him money to be the owner of two unrelated enterprises” and “denied any knowledge of the same owner and refused Checking his phone.

Borges claims he has the photos, “because he suspected that the man was asking him to make him difficult someday,” the complaint said.

“The question of his country of residence (Borges) claims to live in the United States, but that he spends considerable time in Cuba because of the need to support a family member,” the said.

Borges can now spend considerable time in the federal prison: his accusation in conspiracy for making money laundering a maximum of 20 years of sentence.

As of Friday, it is held at the Federal Retention Center in the center of Miami. His online federal court file does not list information on bonds or forthcoming court dates.

The case is pursued in the Miami federal court.

Read the complaint:

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