
Here’s what happens with this sweat petition in your mailbox – Tampa Bay Times

Here’s what happens with this sweat petition in your mailbox – Tampa Bay Times

Tallahassee – The call to change the marijuana in Florida comes directly to the mailboxes of some voters.

After confronting his defeat in his impetus in 2024 to change the sweat for recreation, the Smart & Safe Florida group launches a new campaign to amend 2026.

As he insists on the collection of nearly 900,000 petitions from the Floridians throughout the country In order to receive his new ballot offer, the campaign sent petitions directly to some voters. The petitions that include prepaid return bags addressed to Smart & Safe Florida are predicted by voter names, addresses and registration numbers of the voters.

The mail also includes a glossy postcard, states that “Most countries, that legalizing marijuana do this in the second attempt: 2026 is our chance!”

It is unclear how many petitions have been sent by mail or to whom. Smart & Safe Florida declined to comment.

But his move comes when governor Ron Roanis seeks dramatically to reform the process of citizens to amend the state constitution.

Desantis has suggested that people be required to sign a petition in favor of receiving the newsletter initiative, make it personally to the election service, or by asking for one through a process similar to mail voting. This would close the popular way that campaigns are now collecting forms: the use of petition circulators that stand outside the grocery stores and other stores.

According to the governor’s proposal, the Smart & Safe tactics in Florida for petitions for direct sending will also not be allowed.

It is unclear how Florida’s legislative leaders feel about the governor’s proposals. Florida President Ben Albrite and Chamber Chairman Daniel Perez did not respond to requests for comment. Both men, however, rejected the idea of ​​landing to deal with the proposals during a special session.

The new Smart & Safe initiative in Florida is similar to his efforts in 2024 as she would allow adults to buy and use marijuana recreation, although it includes new provisions such as a ban on smoking or vaping marijuana in a public place.

Depathis cited fraud as a reason that wanted to change the process of citizens’ initiative.

Florid law enforcement agencies over the years have arrested several petitional circulators for multiple campaigns to fill information about voters, including the most recent Marijuana change campaign.

In the past year, the state has focused on amendment efforts 4 to protect access to abortion in the state, accusing organizers of performing “widespread petition fraud”. The abortion change campaign has denied any misconduct.

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