
Here’s how Rachel Arderi’s Mercedes -Benz took care of his Miami incident – Cibercuba

Here’s how Rachel Arderi’s Mercedes -Benz took care of his Miami incident – Cibercuba

Cuban influential Rachel Arderi (@racheladeri) suffered a dangerous incident in Miami on March 18 when he was hit by a truck, causing her luxury Mercedes G-Wagon seven times in the air.

The nearby sources confirm to La Familia Cubana that the vehicle endowed with less than two months by Cuban singer Oyel Baby was Truckcausing him to rotate seven times and include two more cars in the incident.

The police team was holding the truck driver responsible for the accident, as he hit Arderi on the side as she was driving in the express lane of the Palmto highway, near Hyalea Gardens.

The young woman, The mother of two children and the wife of the artist Rezhitonhas been hospitalized for more than 20 hours in a hospital in Miami and has been discharged this Wednesday, March 19.

Rachel Arderi’s car after the Miami incident

The luxury car that baby gifted to the woman in January who It costs him $ 182,000has been declared a complete loss, according to some acquaintances who have commented on Instagram.

Images show that the vehicle has caused serious damage to the doors and windows.

There is a video of the incident on social media, which shows a strong police presence. Arderi sees to sit on the sidewalk, dressed in athletic clothing and apparently emotionally affected in front of his overturned car.

So far, neither Ardes nor the baby has made official statements about the accident.

Frequently Asked Questions about Rachel Arderi’s incident in Miami

How did the Rachel Arderi incident happened in Miami?

The incident happened when a truck collided with Rachel Ardry’s car, Mercedes G-Wagon, As she was driving along the express line of the Highway Palmo in the Hyalea Gardens. The impact was so strong that its vehicle had transferred seven times in the air, involving two more cars in the incident.

What was Rachel Arderi’s health after the incident?

Rachel Arderi was hospitalized for more than 20 hours in a hospital in Miami After the incident. Fortunately, it was written and in good health, although it seems visibly emotionally affected, according to images shared on social media.

What happened to Rachel Arderi’s vehicle after the incident?

Rachel Arderi’s vehicle, Mercedes G-Wagon, was declared a complete loss After the incident. This car, which was a gift from her husband, Nanel, and cost about $ 182,000, caused serious damage to the doors and windows.

Who was considered responsible for the Rachel Arderi incident?

The police team held the truck driver responsible For the incident, as he struck the vehicle on the Arderi on the side, leading to the incident, which also included two more cars.

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