
Here’s how Rachel Arderi’s Mercedes-Benz took care of a grand incident in Miami. – Noticias de cuba en miami

Here’s how Rachel Arderi’s Mercedes-Benz took care of a grand incident in Miami. – Noticias de cuba en miami

On March 18, the Cuban model and influential Rachel Arderi (@racheladeri) was experiencing a serious incident in Miami when a truck collided with his car, causing his luxury Mercedes G-Wagon seven times in the air.

According to sources close to the media outcome of La Familia Cubana, a truck collided with the vehicle that Cuban singer Oyl’s baby gave him a little bit about two months ago, causing the car to rotate seven times and hit two other vehicles during the crash.

Authorities found the driver of the SideSwipe’s fault truck with the vehicle that Arderi was driving as he was traveling along the autostraudy palm near the Hyalea gardens.

The young woman spent more than 20 hours at a Miami Medical Center before being discharged on Wednesday, March 19.

According to the comments of some family members on Instagram, the expensive vehicle that Bebeshito gave to its partner in January, worth $ 182,000, is considered a complete loss.

The images show that the vehicle has suffered significant damage to its doors and windows.

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