Due to a technical problem, the printing and electronic edition of Winston-Salem Journal will not be published today.
Here is a summary of the magazine on Tuesday.
Local news
Tours of local high schools are trying to emphasize the good happening in WS/FCS.
“I appreciate what the General Assembly has done so far, but it is time to intensify and get the money they need right now to recover,” Stein said.
Reynolds sends eight graduates in his class for the Hall of Fame for 2025.
More about the clash
NASCAR’s return to Bowman Gray Stadium was a stunning success for fans, despite the shuttle problems.
After sitting at the pole, Chase Elliot does everything he needs to win the legendary quarter -mile track.
The race weekend was hit with fans as the Cup drivers were returning to the historic track for the first time in 54 years
From our editorial pages
Donald Trump is implementing a strategy of shock and samples, burying the public in a smoky cloud of flaming proposals. Some, such as termination of first -born citizenship, were quickly hit in the courts. Some, threatening to invade Greenland, have been rejected as ironic. But they are all radical enough to provide news media with easy fun.
“(H) EAD-BANGING, a football helmet of, non-toilet, trained, non-verbal.”
For more news on Tuesday, go to Journalnow.com.