
Hannah Martin – Nevada today

Hannah Martin – Nevada today


Hannah grew up in the Hawk Bay, Aiotaroa New Zealand, where the routine shaking of small earthquakes was an inherent part of everyday life. These shaky experiences resonated with her and nourished the Khan’s interest in the geology of the earthquake as she graduated from the Bachelor of Geology and Geography at the University of Otago, Aiotaroa New Zealand in 2021. Hanna New Zealand, in 2024, under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer Eccles, Dr. James Mirhead and Prof. Mark Sterling, who geologically characterizes the recent activity of the Auckland Mangagan Faul, Aiotaroa New Zealand. During the Master’s degree of Hannah, she worked as a research associate of Devora (a volcanic risk of determination in Auckland), limiting the main seismicity of the Auckland region. In August 2024, Hannah moved to the University of Nevada, Renault, to begin his doctoral degree. In the geology of the earthquake under the supervision of Prof. Christie Rowe. Her current study focuses on understanding why some mistakes crawl and others do not do so by considering geomorphic and mineral controls.

Hannah is passionate about public work and understanding of seismic danger to reduce the risk and promote community stability. Since 2022, Hannah has been involved in numerous media and community activities, inspiring K-12 students and the wider community to understand the natural dangers we live among. At the beginning of 2024, Hannah joined New Zealand’s Executive Committee of New Zealand as the Certificate of Geoscientist Aotearo, where she continued to share the latest news and findings of Geoscience for the Community.

Research interests

  • The dangers of the earthquake
  • Remote monitoring
  • Structural geology
  • Mapping
  • Seismology earthquake

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