
Governor Zanthis to hold a press conference with the Highway Safety Director –

Governor Zanthis to hold a press conference with the Highway Safety Director –

The Floridi Highway Patrols (FHP) soldiers partner with US immigration officials, as the state aims to help federal authorities as much as they can.

Governor Ron Roanis held a press conference on Friday morning with the Director of the Ministry of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Dave Kerner to discuss the introduction of Florida by the 267 g Program Protection Act, which created a partnership between FHP and US immigration and application of customs (ICE).

Watch the full press conference below

According to the US Senate, this bill requires the Ministry of Interior Security (DHS) to authorize qualified state and local law enforcement authorities to carry out certain activities for the implementation of immigration if the Agency requests such a body. DHS may refuse to provide the request only if there is a convincing reason.

“This program is the maximum amount of participation that we have been asked under the Federal Law,” Rannis said. “We have not hesitated to activate ourselves. We will take advantage of this and be strong partners.”

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Desantis has announced that the primary goal of the program is to restore the internal implementation of internal affairs and to fulfill President Donald Trump’s mission to set up the largest deportation program in American history.

He mentioned that there would be time before this program would be fully implemented, as the patrol of the highway in Florida trains servicemen.

“Someone said,” Oh, the governor is too nuclei to illegal immigrants, “the landing jokes and makes fun of his critics.” Our voters will never say that something is too strong! “

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