
Gilbert, Jones, called Oscar Robertson Trophy List of Clocks – Athletics of Iowa State University Athletics

Gilbert, Jones, called Oscar Robertson Trophy List of Clocks – Athletics of Iowa State University Athletics

Indianapolis, India – Iowa State Gilbert Cashon and Curtis Jones have been listed in the OSCAR ROBERTSON Trophy Midseason monitoring list.

Gilbert an average of 15.2 points, 4.5 assists, 3.7 rebounds and 1.4 thefts per match this year. He is one of only 12 players in the country who has hit these estimates this season. He scored the season 24 points twice this year, entering victories over Dayton (November 26) and No. 5 Market (December 4). Gilbert shoots 50.9 percent of the floor and 32.7 percent of the city center, as he leads No. 3 Cyclones to a record 17-4 this season.

The leading goalkeeper for cyclones, Jones, an average of 17.9 points, 4.7 rebounds and 2.3 assists per match. Jones had a series of 22-easy games for a regular season of large 12 seasons, where he scored in double digits earlier this season, the longest series in the league for over five years and 16th The longest in the history of the league. Jones scored the highest 33 points in Arizona on January 25 as he was named the national player of the week Dickie V.

The US Basketball Writers Association has selected 50 excellent men’s basketball players for its Oscar Robertson Trophy List 2024-25. Members of the Board of Directors of the Association have selected players who will be considered the contenders for the national player of the year. All Division I players remain eligible for the award.

Oscar trophy winner Robertson will be announced at NCAA’s final four in San Antonio, as of April 5-7. The official presentation of the trophy will follow the annual lunch of the USBWA Awards, hosting the Missouri Athletic Club in St. Louis. A final monitoring list will be out in early March and the selected will be included in the annual vote of the USBWA awards.

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