
Gilbert Arenas proudly celebrates a record feature of the son Alijah Arenas – Sportskeeda

Gilbert Arenas proudly celebrates a record feature of the son Alijah Arenas – Sportskeeda

It’s been a long time since we last saw the NBA’s surname in the NBA, but it seems that it wouldn’t be much before that would change. Gilbert Arenas’s son, Aliya Arenas, continues to emerge as one of the most dominant players in the whole high school, and he just announced his commitment to play in USC.

If that wasn’t enough, the young guard has just broken his own father’s record. He is now the leading goal scorer of all time in the LA section, notes 2 614 points and counts.

That is why the former Golden State Warriors guard has taken on Instagram to show how proud he is from his son, praised him for achieving this impressive feature in just three years.

By IG of Gilbert Arenas
By IG of Gilbert Arenas

Alia is player # 10 in her class, prospectus # 1 for shooting and perspective # 2 in California.

Gilbert Arenas made a shot in Pat Riley

In addition to his assessment, Gilbert Arenas has always been known for his raw words and his dumb statements. Moreover, Miami President Heath Pat Riley became his most native goal, as Arenas called him that he was not adapting and adapted to contemporary and contemporary players.

Referring to his feud with Jimmy Butler, Arenas claims that Riley’s paths are outdated as he can no longer refer to players as prisoners:

“Yes, so I think Pat has not updated his software,” said the former Arena’s Arena All-Star. “I think he still believes that this is the 80s or 90s where money controls players. Then you need this million dollars, so you did whatever the team told you.

“This is how these Knicks teams operated on had less control. You thought you were signing up for South Beach, but you are not sentenced to an offer of five to ten years.” Here, put your handcuffs. Forget. Forget. The beach – I was just fooled.

“It’s like Loki to throw an illusion: they sold you one thing on the phone and when you arrive, you realize – Na, it’s a prison.”

Riley has had several star players in the past. He even had a feud with Duine Wade at one point, and his relationship with Butler seemed disturbed beyond the repair.

We are only three days from the deadline for trade and none of the parties seems to be ready to get involved and find any common position, with Butler not closing the trade of some teams and Riley does not want to move it at a discount.