
Gasbuddy reports an increase in the 11th in the prices of Gaza Boise Area –

Gasbuddy reports an increase in the 11th in the prices of Gaza Boise Area –

Boise prices are 12 cents higher than a month ago and are 30 cents for a gallon higher than a year ago.

Boise, Idaho – Gaza’s prices in Boise have collected 11 cents last week. Gasbuddy reports that refinery problems may be guilty.

According to a Gasbuddy survey for 216 stations in the Boise area, Boise prices are 12 cents higher than a month ago and 30 cents a gallon higher than a year ago.

On Sunday, the cheapest station in Boise was priced at $ 2.89 per gallon, while the most expensive ones were priced at $ 3.59 per gallon, a difference of 70 cents. As for the whole country, the cheapest station was priced at $ 2.89 per gallon on Sunday, while the most expensive was priced at $ 4.11 a gallon, a difference of $ 1.22 a gallon.

The average for the country for a gas gallon is $ 3.09 per gallon, which is approximately five cents over the past week.

“While some countries have observed that gas prices are increasing, much of the country continues to see most stable prices. In Gasbuddy.

“With the rates of Mexico and Canada, which are currently in pause, trade policy has not yet directly affected fuel prices. Gasoline increase prices higher.

Historical gasoline prices in Boise and the country’s average return for ten years, as provided by Gasbuddy:

  • February 10, 2024: $ 2,87/G (US Average: $ 3.19/G)
  • February 10, 2023: $ 3.78/g (US average: $ 3.39/g)
  • February 10, 2022: $ 3.56/g (US average: $ 3.48/g)
  • February 10, 2021: $ 2.48/g (US average: $ 2.48/g)
  • February 10, 2020: $ 2,48/G (US Average: $ 2,42/G)
  • February 10, 2019: $ 2.18/g (US average: $ 2,28/g)
  • February 10, 2018: $ 2.62/g (US average: $ 2.58/g)
  • February 10, 2017: $ 2.32/g (US average: $ 2.27/g)
  • February 10, 2016: $ 1.97/g (US average: $ 1.71/g)
  • February 10, 2015: $ 1.95/g (US average: $ 2,18/g)

Neighboring areas and their current gas prices:

Idaho- $ 3.16/g, to 7.1 cents per gallon last week from $ 3.09/g.

Ogden- $ 2,97/g, a 1.8 cents per gallon last week of $ 2.99/g.

Oregon- $ 3,61/G, to 10.8 cents per gallon last week from $ 3.50/g.

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