CONCORD, Calif. — A suspect is in custody and a stolen cockatoo has been recovered after a theft from a Concord pet store in September, although a suspect, a Fremont resident, and a parrot have yet to be located, according to police.
The Feathered Follies pet store in Concord was burglarized in early September and two exotic birds — Tofu and Plateau — were stolen, police said.
The case was dropped, but the Union City Police Department recently contacted Concord investigators with information related to the case.
Two suspects have been identified: Edward Casey of San Jose and Eric Stabler of Fremont.
After further investigation, Casey was arrested at his residence in San Jose, while Stabile currently has an active warrant for his arrest.
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“Each operation led to another lead regarding the whereabouts of one of the stolen birds, Tofu,” Concord police said on social media.
Detectives eventually learned that the tofu had been sold by an unsuspecting seller to an unsuspecting buyer in Los Angeles.
The last seller of the bird, a business owner who is not a suspect in the case, was “remarkably cooperative,” according to police, and shared his desire to get the tofu home safely.
The seller drove the car to Los Angeles, returned the money to the new owner and returned the tofu home, where police say an emotional encounter took place.
The investigation into Plato’s location is still ongoing.
Anyone with information regarding this case, particularly Plato’s location, is asked to contact Detective Dylan Luciano at (925) 603-5831 or at
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