
Fremont County Commissioners confirm that the lonely woman Wolf has been in the county for two weeks; Officials said to “More Comes” – Canon City Daily Record

Fremont County Commissioners confirm that the lonely woman Wolf has been in the county for two weeks; Officials said to “More Comes” – Canon City Daily Record

Fremont Dwayne McFal County Commissioner confirmed on Tuesday that a lone wolf has been in Fremont County for about two weeks.

Between December 18-21, 2023, the Colorado Parks and the Wildlife experts took 10 gray wolves in Oregon and put them on public soil on top and big cities “in historical efforts to create a permanent, self-sustainable population of wolves and performance Voter -and initiative to restore gray wolves in Colorado. “

“They have created problems there since they landed on the spot,” McFal said during a meeting of the County District Commissioners Council. “We knew they would be in Fremont County in the end, but we didn’t think it would be fast.”

Proposal 114, now State Statute 33-2-105.8, passed on November 3, 2020. He directed the CPW Commission to develop a plan for the introduction and management of gray wolves in Colorado west of the continental division no later than December 31, 2023.

“This lonely wolf-as much as they know it is alone, it is the only collar that is here-fasted on the I-70 in Leadville, via Buena Vista/Chaffee County, in the County Park and in the County Fremont and there is some way done the way it is over the bigger part of Fremont County, or at least the mountain, western country, “McFol said. “They are not quite sure where it is at this particular moment, but it just tells us that it will come more.”

CPW launches gray wolves shooting operations in British Colombia on January 10 as part of its 2025 shooting season in support of the Colorado Wolf Recovery and Management Plan. According to a press release from the CPW, the agreement with the Ministry of Water, Earth and Resources of the BCC allows them to be moved and put to Colorado to 15 wolves this year.

CPW states that “Gray wolves from this BC zone do not overlap with areas where there is livestock, so there are no concerns about the re -introduction of wolves that are of packaging that are involved in repetitive animal bias” situations. ” S

“I don’t agree with that,” McFol said. “I think that once they see these easy goals standing there, they will realize very quickly that they do not have to chase their food and we will have a problem with livestock.”

The information on the CPW website reads: “The addition of wolves from British Colombia to the existing population in Colorado will increase the likelihood of pairing, reproduction and packaging formation. The established WOLF Packs protect territories that will allow CPW to monitor models in territory and improve the agency’s ability to cooperate with active behavior and co -existence strategies to protect the cattle best. “

“Many cattlemen in Fremont County were notified as soon as this wolf approached,” McFal said. “Anyone who knows anyone who has cows – even if one or two – to inform them because it is the goal of these wolves. We must be on the toes; If you see something, let people know. “

CPW plans to launch 10-15 gray wolves on the western slope annually, for a total of three to five years, as stated in the Wolf Colorado Recovery and Management Plan.

Those interested can look at the CPW Wolf Cards on the Fourth Wednesday of each month, which reflect the collar data for the previous month. CPW notes that for each watershed to indicate the activity of wolf, at least one GPS point of at least one of the wolf collars has been recorded within the water gathering over the last 30 days. Just because the waters show the activity of a wolf, it does not mean that a wolf or wolves are present in the whole watershed, nor that they are currently in the catchment area.

To register for workouts to reduce conflicts that are not deadly on February 12 in Buena Vista, to fill in a wolf monitoring form, or to look at the Wolf-Livestock conflict minimization guide, visit HTTPS: // Bit. LY/3EOVXPG.

For more information, visit

In another business administrator, Tony Carochi has announced a job fair from 10:00 to 4pm March 2 at the Pathfinder Park Center Center, located in 6655 Colo. 115 in Florence. Community members can meet with face -to -face recruiting staff and learn about the job opportunities and openings in Fremont County. Space is limited; The staff reserved a place for enterprises on the basis of first place, first service. Food trucks will be available at the event. Registration forms must be reversed no later than February 14. For more information, call Stephanie on 719-276-7399 or email

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